在周日晚上,veep深入又黑暗,我们都应得的结局。这一直是一场精彩的表演,让我因开玩笑和丑闻而感到聪明。最重要的是,它在政治电视节目的精英中处于独特的位置西翼,好妻子,纸牌屋, 和丑闻。它剥夺了窗帘,以至于没有透露政治家就像我们一样 - 向我们表明,事实和小说相撞的地方经常比我们更糟。菲茨和奥利维亚可能永远有开放性,但是如果他们是veep他们本来是内部坏人的角色,而奥利维亚(Olivia)将在第1季(而不是7点)订购谋杀案。

甚至很难表达什么Veep’S秘密成分是。正如乔安娜(Joanna)写的那样几个月前,关于朱莉娅·路易斯·德雷福斯(Julia-Louis Dreyfus)谈到该节目在治疗乳腺癌期间的中断时所涉及的温柔。veep节目主持人戴维·曼德尔(David Mandel)

When Ben has a heart attack at the beginning of the finale, it’s as Selina is scheming on how she will impossibly win her party’s nomination (that we all know she does not deserve), and he tells her that she knows what she has to do. Here are some of the things we have seen Selina perform in the past 7 seasons: election rigging, abject humiliation, endless lying, and governing with absolutely no ethics, among much more. But still, I was shocked to see Selina somehow cross another boundary to prove just how low (below ground) she will go to win. In a flurry of manipulative decisions that actually worked, Selina thwarts what would be Tom James’ surprise victory upon re-entering the race, promising his mistress and chief of staff a job in her White House if she publicly accuses Tom of sexual misconduct. It was nice to see the angriest moment of the episode go to Tom, who has been insulting, tricking and screwing Selina over for years, plainly say how he really feels when he asks what she is, calling her a conniving c-nt and a f-cking monster. Hugh Laurie is always magic as Tom, but I get toxic masculinity hypocrisy vibes as he calls Selina out. He has always been entitled and brutal with Selina as a political rival and lover, and can never take what he dishes out.


如果我们回顾第1季,而塞琳娜(Selina)被约拿(Jonah)的老老板总统将副总裁视为副总裁,那么一切都将圆满圈子。Everyone knew how useless the VP position was, and it’s now being handed down to Jonah, allowing him to be treated the exact same way as Vice President of the United States as he was treated in season 1. And this show has been all about how hilariously fraught the VP position is. (Joe Biden even collaborated with Julie Louis-Dreyfus in aveep短剧对于2014年白宫通讯员晚餐)。约拿的低价,简单性和脆弱性在试图关闭副总裁报价时,他的弱势群体已得到充分展示,但塞琳娜(Selina)和他的叔叔杰夫(Jeff)都尖叫着,迅速承认并接受了它。


当我们在白宫看到塞琳娜(Selina)是(一届)总统时,她似乎非常孤独,但并不感到不高兴。苏回到了塞琳娜(Selina)的助手(以及我们的苏忠诚主义者),以阻止乔纳(Jonah)和艾米(Amy),这很有趣。“这个办公室的无能水平令人震惊。”没有人(尤其是加里)在那里听到她,这是塞琳娜·迈耶(Selina Meyer)第一次独自一人。


关于这一集,我注意到了许多其他书呆子的美味佳肴,这些东西向这场演出的遗产及其无缝的能力致敬,可以在我们悲惨的新闻周期中舒适地坐下来。州长巴迪·卡尔霍恩(Buddy Calhoun)被提供教育部长,赛琳娜(Selina)的诺言将取缔同性婚姻似乎对贝蒂·德沃斯(Betsy Devos)来说是眨眼,并用作棺材的钉子,与她与女同性恋的长期恋爱的女儿凯瑟琳(Catherine)的关系。Mike in the future interrupting his personal tribute to Selina to announce Tom Hanks has died when one of Mike’s first mistakes as Selina’s press secretary in season 1 was refusing to anticipate and address bad press for Selina because “what if Tom Hanks dies” was, simply, perfect.

