
“基于真实事件,”露西在天空中受到现实生活中的宇航员丽莎·诺瓦克(Lisa Nowak)的启发,以与她认为是她的关系的“另一个女人”的追求和她的太空人。她不停地从休斯敦开车到奥兰多,并进行了一系列威胁性的物品,从伪装到BB枪,绳索和胡椒喷雾剂,据报道,据报道,他们都穿着“最大的吸收服装,”,这是空间尿布。除了莱尼昨天写的那样,1zplay太空尿布不在电影中。这导致了电影在周三在TIFF举行的全球首映之前和之后的一部分原因。也许,露西在天空中由于这种遗漏,成为不公平的关键目标。

Director Noah Hawley (of法戈and军团名望,在他的导演处女作中)在首映之前告诉《洛杉矶时报》,尿布“只是不适合故事". And I can understand that. The entire film builds up the anticipation for when or if Natalie's character Lucy Cola will enact revenge on her colleagues Mark Goodwin (basically Jon Hamm in伴娘,但是,她对她的恋爱关系更加同情,并受到压抑的创伤)和艾琳·埃克尔(Erin Eccles)(一种具有竞争力的Zazie Beetz),她认为这是背叛。当她这样做时,您会看到露西(Lucy)购买的物资,包括黄蜂喷雾(她在商店中使用),绳索和丽莎为她的任务购买的几种物品。除了娜塔莉(Natalie)的岩石之外,金发假发,他们的对抗在圣地亚哥(San Diego),而不是奥兰多(Orlando)。但是,渴望答案的想法和绝望肯定是尿布。

When a tabloid story has such legs that it becomes令人难忘的30 Rock玩笑或在原本li行,但静止的fun中的情节Rough Night,its notoriety grows, and efforts need to be made to humanize all involved in order to push past the punchline. That's what露西在天空中希望,通过不断强调露西的"kaleidoscope eyes" and racing thoughts. It's on earth where she feels weightless, unsatisfied by her NASA PR husband (Dan Stevens) and his efforts to connect with her, all she wants is to return to space. And when her Nana (Ellen Burstyn) tells her she "isn't getting any younger," she pushes herself harder when she should be recovering emotionally from the trauma and isolation of space. She's running more, training harder, and becoming increasingly reckless at work, all while fraternizing with Mark, who is in the middle of a separation himself, but cannot resist both the flirtation and connection with somebody else who also understands what it's like to be so far removed from earth. The audience is wary of his intentions almost instantly, but he does provide helpful advice, warning her that in life after space, "dopamine is a trick... like believing in God." Jon Hamm's deadpan delivery, charm and depth makes for the perfect counter to Natalie's obsessive, driven Lucy, but the film cannot shake its hollow core.露西在天空中试图成为很多事情:一种实验性的套件,显示屏幕绕着露西在太空中,不断发展的纵横比展示了她在地球上的幽闭恐惧症,并且对她的性别政治和期望也对她发挥作用。嫉妒崛起的明星艾琳和她的专业表现。它并不适合。但是哪里Lucysucceeds is in its turn from Natalie. It's not quiteBlack Swan在太空中,但是她安静的躁动和痴迷的决心,完成她分配给自己的每个新“任务”,可以帮助您同情和合理化某人的成就,并有如此多的支持可以使自己受到极端的影响,以至于他们正在购买WASP,首先要喷洒和金发假发。

斯科特·费恩伯格(Scott Feinberg)在好莱坞记者的专栏文章中写了这一点noting it as a Natalie Portman Rule,她的努力始终是出色且巧妙的技巧,但是有时候,她所遵循的项目并不与她的努力相提并论。我同意,但至少她正在又一次大挥杆,并测试了新的Spitfire口音。娜塔莉(Natalie)首映时Vox Lux在去年的TIFF上,我写了关于这部电影肯定会如何两极分化的奖项野心,但她的表现是她最好的。(I still crave a Vox Lux soundtrack-themed Soulcycle class.) I still prefer the last two thirds ofVox Lux露西在天空中, but雷神(and复仇者:最终游戏) 在旁边,娜塔莉(Natalie)是她同龄人群中为数不多的艺术家之一,他们一直在用风险的材料挑战自己,并对额外臭名昭著的故事说“是”。这总是让她有趣。我不会说她的奖项希望对露西在天空中like Scott does, I would instead say that they are mostly hot air in the first place, not to discredit her always excellent work.

此外,如果什么都没有 -露西在天空中给了我们两件事:娜塔莉与乔恩·哈姆(Jon Hamm)的保龄球,同时摇摆了一个长大的碗切割,艾伦·伯斯丁(Ellen Burstyn)对她说:“宇航员迪克(Dick)使你变得柔软。”

说到艾伦(Ellen),在世界首映的问答中,演员表中充满了激情。掌声是温暖的,娜塔莉(Natalie)以赞美的赞美为艾伦(Ellen)淋浴"reads a poem a day".乔恩·哈姆later joked,“哦,她告诉我这全是可卡因!”后来,他将露西的生存危机和赋格状态与“being on Day Five of a film festival". And as for the Reese Witherspoon producing connection, she was originally was going to play Lucy, but Natalie only had the warmest things to say about her friend and boss.
