我知道在Tanya Tucker上的这种装备是约会,大多数人永远不会。但是,我喜欢它比身体 - 裸体的裸体氨纶SH-T在kardashian Instagram账户中所做的那么累。我会肯定穿着纯粹的面板衣服。我宁愿穿这种比维多利亚贝克汉姆和梅珊·克莱尔青睐的宽腿裤。也许没有帽子。(自己去欺骗)


Allison Janney谈到没有孩子。而且我喜欢这个报价。(Cele |婊子)

你把手机放在口袋里还屏幕是否面对或面对?我不记得上次我在裤子口袋里有手机。When we used to be in the office for work it would always go in my back pocket, screen facing in. These days, if it’s in a pocket, it’s in my coat pocket, and it doesn’t matter where the screen faces because the pocket has a zipper so I’m not worried about whether or not it’ll be seen or damaged. In the summer though, if I’m wearing a denim jacket, it goes in the breast pocket, upside down and screen facing in so that I can have my headphones plugged in. I obviously care more about this topic than I thought I did. (Pajiba)
