一周前我今天发布了关于在th泰勒•斯威夫特e MTV EMAs andwinning a lot of trophies,请注意,当她出现时,很有可能她会收集一些奖项。在那篇文章中,我想知道泰勒以及她是否会参加美国音乐奖。好吧,她确实出现了,是的,她赢得了所有奖项,包括年度最佳艺术家。



约翰·奥利弗(John Oliver)今年早些时候对Ticketmaster的阴暗练习做了整个部分。我已经嵌入了下面的视频;这是20分钟,但是如果您有时间,值得您手表。He breaks down the Ticketmaster/Live Nation monopoly, and Ticketmaster’s involvement in the secondary market, the brokers who scam the ticketing system, asserting Ticketmaster’s “whole system is designed to be opaque”, accusing them of “turbo [charging] many of the sh-tty practices that have become industry standard”, and declaring that Ticketmaster is “one of the most widely loathed companies on the planet”.

在该细分市场结束时,约翰得出结论,改变这种情况并改善粉丝的“大部分力量”属于艺术家,因为“最大的人可以做一些事情来削弱二级市场”。很少有艺术家比泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)更大,这并不是说她以前从未从事过大公司。


泰勒斯威夫特's Instagram story

The most interesting part of her statement happens early, right off the top of the first paragraph: “I’ve brought so many elements of my career in house”. She doesn’t name Ticketmaster but she’s hinting here that she might consider bringing ticket sales in house because of how difficult it is for her to “trust an outside entity”. That’s obviously a major hypothetical at this point but even just floating the possibility, from an artist in her position, has them paying more attention for sure.

That said, even though it might seem to a lot of people that this only happened with Taylor’s tour, as John Oliver’s piece illuminates, Ticketmaster has been in shambles for a long time, and fans of many other artists have been screaming about their bullsh-t for a long time; it’s just that no one was paying attention. BTS’s ARMY, for example, has been trying to raise this issue with Ticketmaster for years. A group of BTS fans have been volunteering their time to compile research about this –这是他们工作队的Twitter帐户。尽管上周放大了Ticketmaster的F-CKSH-T,但虽然觉得他们觉得他们在风中大喊这么长时间,而且没人注意……直到泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)发出警报,这也可能令人沮丧。这是哪些粉丝被重视的示例,哪些是不重视的。


As for Taylor and her look from last night’s AMAs, given the hair style, it’s been a while since we’ve seen her wear it like this with the big curls, Swifties are now taking it to mean that it’s a sign that she’ll be re-recording and releasing现在讲下一个。