泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)包裹了美国的腿名声体育场游览星期六晚上。接下来,她在澳大利亚,新西兰和日本进行了七个约会,在11月中旬结束了专辑周期。在周日,泰勒(Taylor)在美国观众中播放的第二天,在Instagram上发布了这一消息 - 与她曾经关于社会问题和她所在的位置一样清晰直接:



自然,她的粉丝在Marsha Blackburn的社交媒体帐户中留下了蛇表情符号。但是所有这些表情符号都会转化为投票吗?Trolling Marsha Blackburn on Instagram doesn’t accomplish much if she’s elected.正如泰勒在她的信息中所暗示的那样,在她的十年中,她的许多粉丝都与她一起成长。这位13岁的年轻人唱着“爱情故事现在是一个23岁的年轻人,可能需要获得计划生育。泰勒可能会因其影响而动员的力量和覆盖范围是强大的。这就是为什么有些人想知道……花了这么长时间为什么现在



泰勒的粉丝指出,大声疾呼带来了后果。That she is well within her right not to want to invite the kind of attack and horrible abuse that others have experienced when using their platforms to advance change and defend human rights, that she doesn’t HAVE to be outspoken if she doesn’t want to be. Her detractors will counter that she often benefits more than she sacrifices, and that even now, her open declaration of beliefs comes at an advantageous time and, really, she’s泰勒斯威夫特,她有多脆弱?



25%? That’s it? Which means he still likes it 75%?!

这通常来自那些人圣upid and dogs, and whatever farm animals he can identify from picture books, who makes sport out of trashing women – it’s almost a compliment. Part of that has to do with the fact that this president prefers pretty young whiteness. But it might also be a testament to, as Duana likes to say, the capital she’s accumulated. Capital is meant to be spent. If I was advising Taylor, I’d point to this entry level capital expenditure and say that perhaps it won’t hurt to keep spending it. I’d also tell her to stop calling it “political”. As she says herself, she supports “human rights”, believing in “the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG”. That “systemic racism…towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent”. These are basic values that have been rebranded as politics – which diminishes the integrity of human rights to begin with. It’s one of the ways that rights get taken away: by calling them something different, they can be bargained over – and rights should never be up for negotiation.

如果您是泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的信徒,那么也许在这里打开这个故事的钥匙之一,不是说她“变得政治化”,而是说她正在继续展示自己的人性。


附件 - 周末在德克萨斯州表演泰勒。