如果您一直在访问此网站,那么您就会知道我对YA书籍的热爱。我最喜欢的YA书之一,詹迪·尼尔森(Jandy Nelson)我会给你阳光正在为华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)和詹迪(Jandy)编写剧本的电影。莎拉昨天刚刚写过关于WB的意图重新启动矩阵和what that means for the studio, wondering if it means they’re scrambling for content. I’ll Give You The Sun is GREAT content! Focus on that! And maybe Rainbow Rowell’s埃莉诺和公园?去年,彩虹透露,尽管她曾在剧本上工作,但Dreamworks(他们保留了该选项)wasn’t interested in making the movie anymore权利恢复了她。因此,目前将没有电影版本E&P这……我的意思是,如果华纳兄弟正在寻找项目,我觉得我们需要的不仅仅是一个新的矩阵

但是,还有另一本YA书正在进行中。朱莉·墨菲(Julie Murphy)邓普林’计划在夏天开始拍摄Deadline reportedyesterday that Jennifer Aniston has joined the cast. I read邓普林’a couple of years ago when the book was chosen forThe Social Chapter。柳树不是青少年。她有信心,对自己的身体感到满意,她的妈妈是一位前选美女王,现在经营当地的选美大赛。但是后来她得到了一份新工作,她开始和一个男孩一起出去玩,她对自己的感受开始改变,所以她决定进入选美大赛,这是个玩笑,但最终以她的方式改变了她没想到。Dumplin’不是我最喜欢的YA书,但我喜欢的是,这并不是完美的。实际上,有时她是一个F-Cking混蛋。我感谢朱莉·墨菲(Julie Murphy)对将她的主角变成天使不感兴趣。另外……有很多多莉·帕顿(Dolly Parton)。不能抱怨多莉·帕顿。

They’ve yet to cast Willowdean. But Jennifer Aniston will be playing her mom. And the movie will be directed by Anne Fletcher who previously directedStep Up, 27 Dresses,The Proposal– all movies I know you’ve seen. For some reason, Disney decided they didn’t want to do邓普林’因此,这部电影将是独立的”完美的螺距的静脉”。Which will probably work better for the story in the end but it’s amazing, isn’t it? That a major studio wouldn’t want to be a part of this?

詹妮弗(Jennifer)的原因之一大概是其中的一部分是邓普林’剧本是由她最好的朋友和制作伙伴之一克里斯汀·哈恩(Kristin Hahn)撰写的。我认为这很好。我以前选美世界的前选美皇后购买詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)。我也买了她作为一个青少年的妈妈,他不希望与那个世界有任何关系。只是想想头发的可能性。


在过去的几周中,有一本书的潮流一直在稳步增长。这个周末我只是跳上那个潮流。将某人称为“潮流追随者”通常不是称赞。这样你就可以批评我。但是我不感到羞耻。我不以安吉·托马斯(Angie Thomas)的潮流感到羞耻。就像扎迪·史密斯(Zadie Smith),戴安娜·埃文斯(Diana Evans),萨迪·琼斯(Sadie Jones)和雅阿·盖西(Yaa Gyasi)一样,安吉·托马斯(Angie Thomas)就是我所说的第一本书。她的第一本书,仇恨你给我是每个人都在谈论的书。十三张出版社出价在手稿上,在去年被Balzer + Bray收购之前。

The reviews have been outstanding so I don’t need to validate the quality of the story for you. Instead, I’m here to harass you to read it. And the reason I might have to harass you is because, technically,仇恨你给予被认为是你,年轻人。并且有各种各样的阅读势利小人认为自己超过了这种类型。好吧,这本书(在这一特殊的流派中)介绍了现代家庭,混血儿浪漫史,制度化的种族主义,大规模监禁和监狱工业综合体,警察暴行,密码转换,并附有来自哈利·波特(Harry Potter)的各种流行文化参考,Mashable刚刚称其为“在这个美国时刻需要阅读”。At book tours across the United States, readers are lining up by hundreds, clutching their copies of仇恨你给予,要获得安吉·托马斯(Angie Thomas)的签名。她只是被守护者这周末。

As Angie tells The Guardian,仇恨你给予would not have been possible without the work of我们需要多种书籍, a non-profit organisation that “advocates essential changes in the publishing industry to produce and promote literature that reflects and honors the lives of all young people”. But not only does仇恨你给予honour its characters, some of whom are young people, what it does, through main character Starr, is give other people, who may not have grown up like Starr, a perspective of what it might be like to be Starr, to live in Starr’s world. As you will read in the book, that perspective could one day, literally, save lives. While still being, at times, incredibly funny. No one is above a book like this. This is the incredibly powerful work of Angie Thomas.


凯文·夸恩(Kevin Kwan)有钱人问题,the third and final book in theCrazy Rich Asiansseries, comes out today. Are you ready? If you’ve not read the first two books, it’s perfect, because now you have all three, without a wait to find out how it ends. If you have read the first two books but need a refresher, get caught up with Cosmpolitan’s primer,阅读之前您需要了解的一切有钱人问题

有钱人问题,对我来说,可能是该系列中最有趣的。也很有趣 - 什么Kevin Kwan told Cosmopolitanabout some of the characters in the book and the real people who claim to have inspired them. To be clear, he insists that none of the actual people who inspired the characters have ever come forward. But that there are those who think they’re Astrid or Kitty Pong and have confronted Kevin, all injured, like he exposed all their secrets which… can you imagine who you’d have to be to think you’re the enigmatic, beautiful Astrid Leong, the girlcrush of all of Asia?

As for Kitty Pong, have I mentioned that I don’t want to be an actor but that I really want to play Kitty Pong in the movie? And that I tried? They’ve already cast Kitty Pong but I went for it, I really did. Because I so wanted to be part of this project, part of an all-team Asian movie that is directly challenging the prevailing – and bullsh-t – idea in Hollywood that certain people can’t draw an audience. What draws an audience is a great story.Crazy Rich Asians是一个很棒的故事。有钱人问题是一个伟大的故事的一个很好的结论。


太胖,放荡,太大了:不守规矩的女人的崛起和统治is the new book by Anne Helen Petersen, just released today. And she opens with Serena Williams’ unruly rise and reign in a chapter called “Too Strong”, about how Serena defied sport – and society’s expectations about women in sport – with her body and with her attitude. Serena’s chapter is followed by a chapter on Melissa McCarthy’s unruliness for being “too fat”. And from there we move on to the women who are “too gross”, “too slutty”, “too old”, “too shrill”, until there are 10 women in total, all of them unruly in their own ways, and it’s not necessarily a celebration of that unruliness so much as a conversation about how each woman’s brand of Unruly challenges our idea of How To Be A Woman.

I love this book. To me it’s not just an essential read, it’s an essential resource. Because Anne Helen Petersen, as always, has put in the work, is showing her work. And she has always upheld celebrity gossip as a vital form of communication, a reflection of social culture, and an observation of the changing nature of our social morality. So, in addition to being a study of how unruly women have confronted and expanded the narrow spaces that they’ve occupied,太胖,放荡,太大了:不守规矩的女人的崛起和统治也是对名人生态系统中女性名望的分析。这是一位在八卦中拥有实际博士学lol赛事中心位的女性写的博士学位八卦。



最近,我在阅读Roxane Gay的新书时一直在考虑我的无知,饥饿。饥饿是一个回忆录罗克珊与她的关系”wildly undisciplined” body. It’s a gorgeously written memoir about what it’s like to live in a world that favours thinness and how we all, consciously or unconsciously, contribute to that imbalance. One of the reasons Roxane’s work has always moved me, and changed me, is because in her writing, her first target is herself. She’s not here to make outward accusations. She sees herself from the inside with an unflinchingly critical, sometimes cruel, observation of self. It’s not just honesty, it’s deconstruction. How did this happen? How did I happen? What did I do? What didn’t I do? What should I do? What if I don’t want to?


Last week, to promote the book, Roxane Gay对滚石说话about why饥饿was so difficult to complete and how she needed to go back to the places and times in her life that she was running from to be able to tell the story of her body. As says, “The story of my body is not a triumph”。饥饿,然后,不是要获胜。她立即​​告诉您,没有人摆脱这种胜利的感觉。但这不是重点。我认为,要承认她的故事值得知道。而且,我们越承认这一点,也许我们所有人都可以做得更好。

饥饿,by Roxane Gay,现在可用。肯定worth your time.


最近The Socialwe talked about story that was published at the NY Post this week,千禧一代并不真正在乎经典电影。我们团队的一名千禧一员在上午的会议上承认他只知道The Sound Of Music.千禧一代对经典电影不感兴趣是一个问题吗?我还没有看过某些千禧一代认为经典的电影。喜欢Hocus Pocus.When I mentioned this last year in a post on this site, Emily, our site manager, texted me all-caps, “HOW HAVE YOU NOT SEENhocus pocus?!”

谁能说什么是经典?我之前提到的我最喜欢的“经典”之一是霍华德·霍克斯(Howard Hawks)His Girl Friday.But also? Friday. And希瑟斯。但是每个人都有自己的清单。我的观点不是为您提供列表。我真的只想谈论My Own Private Idaho。Because when the NY Post is talking about classic movies, and implying that millennials might be missing out by not giving a sh-t about classic movies, I wonder if they includeMy Own Private Idahoalong withCitizen Kane.In these time especially, some argue that Citizen Kane is比以往任何时候都重要。I just read a book that argues that, over 25 years later,My Own Private Idahoshaped a generation that has influenced culture and technology, the environment, and politics – and is also now more relevant than ever.

Gentlemen Of The Shade: My Own Private Idahoby Jen Sookfong Lee revisits the film’s impact on the youth of 90s and how that impact informed the decisions of the adults they would become. Even the fact that it doesn’t seem, for some, to be as radical as it was considered back then is worth discussing. Because in 1991, a story about two gay hustlers that worked as a meditation on class, sex, self-expression, loneliness, and masculinity became the unlikely inspiration for many to embrace their otherness. And it’s an excuse to spend a couple of hours back in the 90s, while balancing that nostalgia with critical analysis about why the film was so provocative and, perhaps more importantly, what it was trying to provoke.

我读过的第一本书是詹·索克方(Jen Sookfong Lee)The End Of East,她所在的温哥华一个中国家庭的故事以及移民如何塑造城市的故事。在我从出生和长大的多伦多搬到温哥华几年后,我读了它。我现在回到多伦多,但是在温哥华度过了15年,这也许是我一生中最重要的15年,听起来像是我的血液中的温哥华。这就是为什么我对本周末温哥华可能发生的事情如此沮丧的原因。夏洛茨维尔有一个计划集会,这显然是由夏洛茨维尔动机。我的心使我心中的城市产生了像Jen Sookfong Lee这样的人的言语和声音也可以产生相反的情况。这是一件愚蠢而幼稚的话。Because Vancouver certainly wouldn’t be the first or the only and maybe that’s the problem, that we only wake up when it’s on our doorstep – and it would have been too late, if not for people like Jen who have been doing the work, who will be continuing the work this weekend to make sure that the best of Vancouver is louder than the worst. She is one of the very best.

Click here了解更多有关阴影的先生们:我自己的私人爱达荷州。Andclick here更多地了解珍Sookfong李。


几年前,斯坦福大学发表了一项研究,发现“hidden benefits of gossip”。The research “showed that gossip and ostracism can have very positive effects. They are tools by which groups reform bullies, thwart exploitation of ‘nice people’ and encourage cooperation”. When you think of bullies in Hollywood, who comes to mind – like today, over the last few days? Anyone in particular?
我的朋友保罗最近向我推荐了一本书 -Thinking, Fast and Slow丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)。丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)于2002年赢得了诺贝尔经济科学纪念奖。他是2013年的总统自由勋章的获得者。思维,快速和慢速在2011年发布时成为畅销书清单,随后被评为最好的书籍之一那年。在这本书的介绍中,卡尼曼博士开始……八卦,特别是八卦的价值:lol赛事中心

Every author, I suppose, has in mind a setting in which readers of his or her work could benefit from having read it. Mine is the proverbial office watercooler, where opinions are shared and gossip is exchanged. I hope to enrich the vocabulary that people use when they talk about the judgments and choices of others, the company’s new policies, or a colleague’s investment decisions. Why be concerned with gossip? Because it is much easier, as well as far more enjoyable, to identify and label the mistakes of others than to recognize our own. Questioning what we believe and want is difficult at the best of times, and especially difficult when we most need to do it, but we can benefit from the informed opinions of others. Many of us spontaneously anticipate how friends and colleagues will evaluate our choices; the quality and content of these anticipated judgments therefore matters. The expectation of intelligent gossip is a powerful motive for serious self-criticism, more powerful than New Year resolutions to improve one’s decision making at work and at home.

One paragraph down from that, gossip comes up again:



I return to the virtues of educating gossip and to what organizations might do to improve the quality of judgments and decisions that are made on their behalf.

And Dr Kahneman comes back to gossip at the end of the book:


That line though. I mean, right now, that line could not be more on the nose, even though Dr Kahneman was not actually referring to “actors” by profession:


谁是观察者?lol赛事中心八卦是观察者。八卦是观察。lol赛事中心或Kahneman博士所说的 - “教育八卦”。lol赛事中心这就是他结束这本书的方式:

There is a direct link from more precise gossip at the watercooler to better decisions. Decision makers are sometimes better able to imagine the voices of present gossipers and future critics than to hear the hesitant voice of their own doubts. They will make better choices when they trust their critics to be sophisticated and fair, and when they expect their decision to be judged by how it was made, not only by how it turned out.

For years and years, gossip has been demeaned because it has been the domain of women. For years and years in Hollywood, the gossip at the women’s “watercooler” was about Harvey Weinstein. The gossip was exchanged from one woman to another and, as Anne Helen Petersen writes in her new piece for Buzzfeed, the gossip went past the better decision-making that Dr Kahneman was aiming at to become a “means of survival”。lol赛事中心八卦是妇女用来警告和保护彼此的东西 - 好莱坞及其他地区。

I recently read Jasmyn Ward’sSing, Unburied, Sing(an incredible work) and there’s a couple in the book, their love for each other is relentless, and really, really terrible. Every scene between them was familiar, and traumatic, especially if you’ve been there, and or if you’ve watched someone in that space where love, literally, becomes a trap. And then a black hole. After a while, you don’t even know if there’s a way out anymore.