最后期限昨天报道说,斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)和鲁珀特·桑德斯(Rupert Sanders摩擦和拖船,根据但丁“ Tex” Gill的现实生活故事。作为边缘指出“然而,尽管他自己是跨性别者,但所有主要行业都设法误解了性别吉尔。”您会记得,上次鲁珀特指挥Scarjo是外壳中的幽灵基于日本漫画系列,其中包含日本角色。斯嘉丽·约翰逊不是日本人。她也不是跨性别者。因此批评很快。

蒂姆·穆尔克林(Tim Mulkerin)在麦克风这是该推文的扩展解释:



当被要求评论她对她的新电影的反应时,约翰逊的代表对演员本人的鲁rub&Tug to to to the to to to the the the Rep。“告诉他们,他们可以直接指向杰弗里·坦伯(Jeffrey Tambor),贾里德·莱托(Jared Leto)和费利西蒂·霍夫曼(Felicity Huffman)的代表发表评论。”

So instead of addressing the situation directly, she’s redirecting the question – in her mind, right now, the question isn’t why she’s playing a trans character, it’s “why are you mad at me and singling me out when Jeffrey Tambor, Jared Leto, and Felicity Huffman done it before me?” And in doing so, she’s entirely missed the point and reinforced the point that the critics are making: she is centering the conversation around HER instead of on the community that is being represented – and underrepresented – in this film. THAT is where the pain comes from. For too long, trans people have either been abused or ignored. When their stories are finally told, they are eliminated from the process. Scarjo, in defending herself, is putting herself in the spotlight – as a victim of unfair attention and criticism – and not taking the time to consider the hurt that may be experienced by those who are being ignored.

至于杰弗里·坦伯(Jeffrey Tambor),贾里德·莱托(Jared Leto)和狂热的霍夫曼(Felicity Huffman)例子 - 可以肯定的是,从这些情况下可以学到很多东西,就像以前所有粉刷的情况一样攻壳机动队。这是涉及Scarjo的挫败感。她以前来过这里。人们被允许犯错误。我们中的许多人(在这里,手,道路,在这里)的编程很差,并且在我们试图变得更好,变得更好的情况下要覆盖如此之多。人们被允许不知道,然后才意识到,然后重新驾驶。我们都应该得到恩典,因为我们当中很少有人是完美的。宽限期较少,尽管它似乎不受人们的赞赏。Scarjo上次听吗?如果她在听,她学到了什么?