上个星期我们正在谈论丽塔奥拉她如何在澳大利亚花时间来倾向于蒂科·威达托机组人员声音。查看RITA现在 - 与一些主要名称的午餐:RUSSELL CROWE,CHRISTIAN BALE,ISLA FISHER,SACHA BARON COHEN,您可以在下面的一些照片中看到Taika。六个月前,她被拖动了违法的隔离物。现在,她正在私人喷气式飞机,周末乘坐非常独家的圈子,与他们一起出去玩周末早午餐,基本上升级了名人的规模。现在它是一个散热器,并且对帕珀出现了。她和泰康可能不介意和其他人一样多。就像克里斯蒂安·贝尔和萨克巴尔逊科恩一样,并不完全是想要被拍摄的类型,因为他们正在吃沙拉。

基督徒和罗素在托尔:爱与雷声。在电影在生产中,在澳大利亚发生了整个爱情和雷霆名人派对。我还没有看到Natalie Portman与任何Thor团队一起滚动 - 我想知道她什么时候会摇滚这个果酱。Chris Hemsworth和Matt Damon不存在,但他们本周末克里斯和艾尔萨帕克曾扔了一个白人派对

记得在当天回来,在汉普顿每年曾经有一个白人聚会?有一个十年的十年,白人派对是7月份的主要名人第四次活动​​。不败的发表了一件很棒的作品去年夏天,迪迪的白党传统为什么它不仅仅是炫耀其劳力司的借口,而他们的劳动力罗伊斯 - 这是一项蔑视的陈述。说实话,当迪迪的白人仍然肆虐时,我从未想过这一点。但这就是为什么我们都需要不同的镜头,不同的观点。Diddy’s parties, and where they happened, and who attended, were subversive, a challenge to the status quo, although it could be argued, and writer Roger Reeves goes there too, that the white party could also in a way be an endorsement of certain kind of elitism. It’s a great essay on race, privilege, and class about an event that on its surface just seemed like a stop on the gossip tour.

至于克里斯和艾尔莎的白人派对?显然不一样,甚至不接近。Like I don’t think in ten years there will be scholarship about the cultural significance of Chris and Elsa’s bash so my only takeaway is that they seem to be that couple who throw the parties (they’ve had costume parties, New Year’s Eve parties, Halloween too); there’s often one in every friend group. And the key to being good at is wanting to go through the trouble of having people over and making sure they have a good time, without being stressed about who’s having a good time. Chris and Elsa seem like they’re really good at this. Wonder if Rita will get an invite to the next one.