Why should I pretend I am anything but fascinated by Brooklyn Beckham’s wedding? He was at his parents’ wedding (I have committed many of the photos to memory) and now he’s had his own blowout, just as over-the-top but still as genuinely-in-love earnest as his parents were at the time.

在周末,布鲁克林·贝克汉姆(Brooklyn Beckham)和尼古拉·佩尔茨(Nicola Peltz)在佛罗里达州的父母庄园结婚。让我们清楚地从这里来的钱来:贝克汉姆富有,佩尔茨家族很富有。我在脑海中区分了这一点,因为贝克汉姆仍然为他们的钱而努力已输入B状态

正如莱1zplay尼上周写的那样,为什么要受到限制?贝克汉姆(Beckhams)喜欢庆祝活动 - 他们在白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)举行了哈珀(Harper)的茶会,并为周年纪念而出租了凡尔赛宫(Versailles),并举办了大规模的除夕派对,那么为什么婚礼会成为一件古朴的事件呢?他们踢了出来,听起来很陈旧,但他们一起做。他们是一个非常亲密的家庭,并花了很多时间在一起。他们是动手的父母。The British media has been picking away at them for years in ways big and small but one of the “marriage problems” the press has been focusing on in the last five years is that there’s a rift between David and Victoria because she posts about their children too much on social media. If you follow either of them, this is a nonsensical storyline. If anything, David is more of a self-promoter than she is and he posts photos of their children very regularly, including Romeo (who is now playing for David’s football team). As Victoria told British Vogue, they are a unit and they move through this world as a unit. And it’s interesting how negative a twist the UK press has put on that, again and again, from David kissing his children on the lips (which is totally normal and adorable!!!!) to the ways they work their connections for their children (as EVERYONE in their position does). It’s like there’s an underlying resentment for how close they are and it comes out in petty op-eds in The Sun or the Daily Fail.

I’ve made this about David and Victoria (obviously) when really it should about Brooklyn and Nicola. Brooklyn is 23 and in my world (which I understand is not everyone’s world), that is a young age to get married. Nicola is 27 and that still is a little on the young side. But Brooklyn’s parents married young, he’s been in serious relationships (Chloe Moretz, Hana Cross) and he seems eager to get married. I wouldn’t be surprised if the plan was to be young parents. (Nan and Grandad Beckham, OMG.)

And let’s get tacky for a minute: her family definitely shelled out for this wedding. They paid for the majority of it, there’s no doubt about it. It was at her family’s estate, she wore custom Valentino (a couture dress cannot be acquired by just anyone) and it mixed wealth (obviously) and celebrity, with Marc Anthony performing (good friend and godfather to Harper and Cruz), Eva Longoria (a good friend of Victoria’s), Venus and Serena (sports royalty!!!!!), the Ramsay family (Gordon and Tania and the children are long-time family friends), Spice Girls Mel C and梅尔b。我还没有看到Gigi Hadid,Nicole Richie,Tom Brady和Gisele的照片,但第六页报告说他们在那里。


英国媒体以两种方式对此感到生气:首先是一篇关于“俗气”服装的文章,完全错过了它是迈阿密的观点。就像斑马印刷亮片连衣裙可能在常规婚礼上无法使用,但可能会这样。丹·沃顿(Dan Wootton)已经对他们敲打了他的键盘当人们挣扎时花太多钱。Wootton wrote that he “snapped” because the Beckhams are forcing us to watch their child get married. Did someone put a gun to the all these editors and force them to buy the paparazzi photos? Apparently so! Has anyone checked on Alison Boshoff and see if she washeld hostage while writing this story?我担心如果每日邮件工作人员被迫查看狗仔队的照片,我担心工作条件。有人用牙签睁开眼睛吗?

The fact is, everyone is a little jelly that this is getting黄金时段的覆盖范围和英国的Vogue,这要归功于爱德华·恩尼宁(Edward Enninful)经历了巨大的创造力和文化复兴。这里有一个线索,维多利亚州与她的孩子们一起涵盖了英国的时尚(大卫的一个单独问题,几个月来揭开了离婚谣言),爱德华·恩尼丁(Edward Enninful)和贝克汉姆(Beckhams)似乎不仅有着牢固的工作关系,也是一种友谊。无论其他人如何看待婚礼,佩尔茨 - 贝克汉姆(Peltz-Beckhams)都有享有声望且受欢迎的时尚编辑的认可,并且价值超过一百万英寸的印刷品。

一件事关于英国的特异性tabloids resent this family: Daily Mail columnist Alison Boshoff said she had to wish them the best但是她给了他们五年的上衣。I’m sure she would have said the same thing about his parents.

附件 - 昨天在迈阿密举行的贝克汉姆婚lol比赛视频2019礼以及婚礼后的早午餐的各种名人。