与制作公司相关的演员曾经是一个大故事(例如,詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)和布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)于2001年开始计划B时),但现在是标准的 - 大牌演员通常是具有“首先看”交易和后端学分的制作人。“执行制片人”是一个模糊的术语,而演员/制片人的真正作用取决于生产和个人。

目前,里斯·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)是演员/制作人的A+标准,通过她的制作公司Hello Sunshine,将发展,制作和主演的角色和促销融合在一起。但是,在奥斯卡获胜后,里斯(Reese)如何感到沮丧和苦苦挣扎?

她从书籍开始:她确保了奇利特(Chery)流浪的权利荒野,这部电影确实使她的职业生涯充满活力,并在太平洋标准下发生了。她再次受到打击消失的爱人, which she produced but did not star in, even though she wanted the role of Amy (she said director David Fincher talked her out of it – it says a lot that she let go of any ego and deferred to him, because who wouldn’t want to play Amazing Amy?). Under Pacific Standard, she also secured the rights to大谎言这是过去十年中最受关注的迷你剧之一。在Pacific Standard上,Reese与Bruna Papandrea合作,但两人在2016年采取了独立的方式,Reese继续组建了Hello Sunshine,这是一家混合播客,读书俱乐部以及电影和电视制作的制作公司。基本上,如果电影制片厂可以迅速适应新媒体,则是一个迷你电影制片厂。

上周末,宣布Hello Sunshine已与投资公司Blackstone Group Inc.建立了一项协议,据报道价值9亿美元(Reese将保留“重要股票”,并与CEO Sarah Harden一起经营公司)。那么这笔钱会去哪里?它可以进入Hello Sunshine或出版部门的物理电影工作室(以添加读书俱乐部),在国际上进行分支,或者Hello Sunshine将开始收购较小的制作公司。他们有现金可以做到这一点,并且绝对有一个计划,这就是为什么他们去寻找财务合作伙伴的原因。

Reese和Pacific Standard/Hello Sunshine促成他们的交易的方式总是很有趣的是,它们与任何一个流媒体或网络没有绑定 -到处都有小火是胡鲁,大谎言是HBO,早上的表演在苹果上。我想这为Hello Sunshine提供了很多控制,因为他们可以经过最好的交易和购物。

但是正如这个综艺的故事所指出的那样,周围有一些怀疑:“ Hello Sunshine的价格很可能会在娱乐行业引起一些眉毛。该公司在Witherspoon中拥有品牌知名度和有价值的名人大使,但缺乏深厚的内容图书馆,并且仅在2020年才能盈利。但是接近这种情况的消息人士称,估值并不落在图表上,并且基于基于合理的倍数。the revenue flowing through Hello Sunshine’s coffers.”

我不是会计师,但是我认为百仕通knows is that there’s on-paper value and there’s cultural capital, which Reese has a lot of. She has a direct and trusted way to communicate with her audiences through social media that she’s built up over the years. It may not be quantifiable in terms of dollars but it is valuable.

Her social media promotion is top-notch and she’s found a way to leverage her popularity for all of her productions and picks, not just the ones she is starring in. She has so many film projects and series and books on the go that she (like Oprah before her) has earned people’s trust when it comes to recommendations. That is valuable.

除此之外,里斯(Reese阿拉巴马甜蜜的家合法金发。Of course $900 million is a lot of money but no outside investment is going to push “Type A” Reese Witherspoon harder than she pushes herself. Besides a superhero movie, she’s probably the safest bet in Hollywood right now.