我以为我的詹姆斯·查尔斯(James Charles)和塔蒂·威斯布鲁克(Tati Westbrook)的情况上周一弄清楚了,但是从那以后,最近的一些发展改变了故事的方向。如果您没有被赶上,您可以阅读my article from last weekabout Tati’s now deleted video “Bye Sister".

此后,其他一些视频浮出水面。她针对查尔斯的主要指控之一来自她在西雅图的生日聚会,据称查尔斯在餐厅的“直线”服务员身上击中,然后继续违背他的意愿追求他。有问题的服务员,山姆发布了his own video(现在已删除)用他们的对话屏幕截图(Sam实际上滑入了詹姆斯的DMS,而不是相反),并确认他们的关系和互动是完全自愿的(而且詹姆斯是一个可怕的亲吻者,oof)。旁注:他很可爱,但他的性格是砖头的。


The weekend continued to be Team Tati, until James Charles posted a video called “No More Lies” on Saturday, a 41 minute refutation and self-exoneration, challenging everything Tati, and many others, accused him of, including accusations of sexual harassment. After James posted his video, Tati responded in a Tweet, claiming that it was “littered with so many lies and half truths.”

James’s video is super detailed, there’s a lot of juicy gossip packed into the 41 minutes. James covers everything from how Sam pretended to be gay in order to record a FaceTime with him, to how Jeffree Star dragged James’s innocent brother into the conflict. The video is worth a watch, especially if you watched Tati’s, but in case you don’t have time, the good people at Buzzfeed用屏幕截图为我们崩溃

So, what does this all mean? Obviously there are two sides to every story, even if one seems more convincing at first. When I first wrote about their YouTube feud, I praised Tati for her gossip strategy and presentation. James has now shown us that he can run with the best of them. His video was carefully planned and rehearsed (not a bad thing in this case) because it showed his research and his effort to present an accurate timeline and description of the events. Throughout the video, James backs up all his claims with receipts including dates, screenshots of text conversations, Twitter posts, and clips from Tati’s video. It’s like reading a well-supported essay rather than a stream of consciousness blog post.

Quick aside: Screenshots are NOT conclusive evidence, becauseyou can fake themwith Photoshop or online screenshot tools. Unrelated, but here’s an actual conversation between me and Ryan Reynolds:



从策略的角度来看,塔蒂的“为什么我这样做”视频使人感到困惑。在“再见姐妹”之后,人们已经站在塔蒂(Tati)的身边,因此她获得了超过150万的订户。尽管如此,她感到有必要解释自己(为合法的内gui或掩盖她的屁股),将她决定背后的原因归因于詹姆斯·查尔斯(James Charles),他拒绝聆听或进行对话。在“不再谎言”中,詹姆斯分享了屏幕截图,表明他试图在赞助职位之前与她联系,然后几次。塔蒂(Tati)看起来已经不好了,但是现在她的故事的一面受到质疑,她的情感和真实性也将在一周前称赞她。Is this Laura Lee round two

For those who were undecided about whose side to take, this revelation, if true, paints Tati’s original video in a whole new light. Maria上周已经怀疑。现在似乎在像塔蒂(Tati)有目的地播放了她肮脏的洗衣店一样,它似乎是对与竞争对手一起工作的反应,而不是拒绝听到掠夺性影响者,但拒绝听到掠夺性影响者。让我们记住人们,这一切都始于头发维生素!

It’s now a case of he said she said, he screenshotted she screenshotted. James is demonstrating that he can match Tati blow for blow. How he structured the video, his “future James Charles” edits to comment on updated information, and the careful use of evidence, were all hallmarks of someone who is learning very quickly how to control a gossip story. Since then, James’s subscriber count has been steadily increasing.


尽管名人有公关人员和公关团队处理此SH-T,但YouTubers通常被迫自己处理。此外,Celebrity Gossip的信誉仍然增加,因为还有八卦的店铺(如本网站)。lol赛事中心在YouTube世界中,社交媒体通常是唯一可用的渠道,这意味着野生理论和猜测可以像野火一样传播。

詹姆斯·查尔斯(James Charles)与塔蒂·威斯布鲁克(Tati Westbrook)的戏剧和痛苦使我想起了您在高中时听到的八卦。lol赛事中心感觉詹姆斯可能在学校浴室里向我洗碗。该视频最终从那里升级为潜在的严重指控。当您为人们提供社交媒体的亲密和速度并将其与互联网的范围和规模相结合时,您必定会创造出这些巨大的挑战。

现在,似乎就结案了。Tati issued a statement yesterday affirming that she and Jameswant to put the matter to rest。杰夫里(Jeffree)明星上传了我见过的最荒谬的视频,基本上走回了他所说的一切in the past two weeks。就像打开它的人被召唤出来一样,我们正在结束此案有点方便,但是哦。詹姆斯·查尔斯(James Charles)似乎有最后一句话。这并不意味着我们可以忽略他过去的违法行为,但是它确实阐明了这些迷你名人必须玩的游戏,以及在社交媒体名声中,一个微小的错误可以结束职业生涯。

尽管对我来说,没有八卦太lol赛事中心琐碎或琐碎,但我们应该认识到,这部戏来自YouTube人物的特权,主要是白人世界。尽管我喜欢跟随这场冲突,但它也指出了这些人发挥的令人难以置信的力量,以及他们可以使用它的不负责任的水平。这里没有真正的“赢家”。取而代之的是,我们只是看到了当人们获得巨大的受欢迎程度,财富和地位而没有太多责任时,会发生什么。我不知道我是否想看更多,还Jake Paul called Cody Ko a bullyand I’m intrigued.