凯瑟琳·剑桥(Catherine Cambridge)今天出去玩童子军,在孩子们参加从皮划艇到编码再到烹饪的生活技能计划时与孩子共度时光。

这非常有品牌。凯特长大后是布朗尼。她看起来很舒适和放松,尽管她一直在与孩子一起工作时,这就是为什么儿童发展成为如此重点的原因。而且,正如我们从一开始就听到的,她众所周知,她很活跃,运动能放松。有些人不是。那就是我。我从不是童子军或布朗尼,我不露营。我喜欢远足,但是这种远足最终会在同一天带回汽车。这就是为什么我从来没有像“户外”服装一样看起来不错的原因。在我十几岁的时候,每个人都穿着埃迪·鲍尔(Eddie Bauer)。 Every time I went into an Eddie Bauer store it felt like the clothes were repelling me, like they were pleading to not have to be worn by someone who clearly wouldn’t do them justice. With the exception of hiking boots. Hiking boots have always been kind.



如您所知,我们从英国乡村的戏剧开始了一周。有异议在萝卜招因为没有人知道为什么凯特和罗斯·汉伯里不再是朋友,导致了各种各样的英国八卦之间的猜测lol赛事中心。I mentioned the other day that the British tabloids having been hanging out in Norfolk, trying to track down whatever information they can about the situation and get new shots of Rose but otherwise, the papers haven’t been publishing filler follow-ups through the week. The British papers are known though for their weekend editions. Curious to see what shows up in the Sunday papers or if House Cambridge and Kensington Palace have been able to contain the situation.