哥伦比亚广播公司和哈里王子和梅根·马克尔的独家分数的主要分数。他们的奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)在3月7日与苏塞克斯(Sussexes)播出的特色拼车卡拉OK也是他们的。不过,在我们获得哈利的具体细节之前,让我首先摆脱困境:昨天2月25日,是BTS一周年拼车卡拉OK。詹姆斯·纳梅·纳梅(James Namecheck)在哈里王子(Prince Harry)的拼车卡拉OK。因此,如果您还没有重新审视BTS拼车卡拉OK- 因为它是最好的之一,并且已经招募了许多军队,我感谢詹姆斯在这篇文章中有机会潜入一些BTS内容的机会,以捕捉那些通常可能会跳过我的BTS覆盖范围的人。哈。我们抓到你了。


这可能是他最好的采访。当然,这总是有助于他在安全的空间中真正塑造他的信息。那么,这是什么目标呢?让我们不要扭曲 - 哈利没有出现拼车卡拉OK对詹姆斯·科登的青睐。这里有动力,有一个策略,两者都停车场and Oprah are in service of that plan – even more critical now Harry and Meghan are officially not returning to royal duty in the UK and, for all intents and purposes, entirely independent, and after a year of so much controversy and debate, and during a pandemic too, when everyone’s been in lockdown. This, then, was about Harry reintroducing himself. Because for a while now, much of the focus has been on the tensions between him and his family and him and the media; and when we do hear from him, he’s advocating for serious issues – as he should – and calling out social ills and injustices. These are his priorities, and of course it’s important for him to be vocal about them, but that’s not the only part of his personality. One of the reasons Harry is so popular is because people saw him as the fun-loving prince, a member of the British royal family who has a sense of humour, someone you might actually want to hang out and chill with. Through no fault of his own, a lot of that has been missing.

拼车卡拉OK是为了恢复这一点 - 确实如此。他度过了愉快的时光。詹姆斯·科登(James Corden)和他的团队生产了一个真正使哈利(Harry Shine)的领域。但是我们还应该承认,哈利在当下愿意敞开的时刻做出了出色的工作,并表明他在当下蓬勃发展,因为……这是关键……他不再受皇家do和nots的约束。当哈利和詹姆斯上那辆开放式公共汽车时,哈利立即透露这是他的第一次,就立即建立了这一点。他以前不允许这样做,这意味着他现在能够尝试其他人可以访问但对他不受限制的正常经历。



这就是哈利开车回家的重点 - 那皇冠是虚构的……尽管它“使您对这种生活方式的看法有一个粗略的了解”。哎呀。然后……有一个枢纽:

“I’m way more comfortable with The Crown than I am seeing the stories written about my family, or my wife, or myself. Because it’s the difference between, that is obviously fiction, take it how you will. But this is being reported as fact because you are supposedly news. I have a real issue with that.”


This is why the British media is pressed today – because he just called them out, again, on American television, and on such a widely-watched platform. What Harry does very astutely though is he balances out the sharpness of his tea with some smooth flavour. The two anecdotes he tells about his grandparents are well-placed moments of lightness and humanity, and great for gossip.

The story about Prince Philip’s abrupt zoom exit? Hilarious, and relatable. Don’t we all have a senior citizen in our lives who doesn’t know how to properly do the tech and ends up slamming things shut instead? And the Queen buying Archie a waffle maker for Christmas. It’s an adorable story about two generations – a baby and his great grandmother, who no doubt would have been amused that a toddler asked for a kitchen appliance.

And then it’s back to the serious business. Harry stresses that he and Meghan were not “walking away” from the royal family, but “stepping back”. Once again Harry puts the heat on the British press and says they were “destroying my mental health”, describing the situation as “toxic”. So he made the decision for his wife and child and here we are… on a bus with James Corden, showing up at the house where they shot the exteriors forThe Fresh Prince of Bel Air,哈利说,他必须撒尿并使用他们的浴室。



就像哈利在梅根(Meghan)接受奥普拉(Oprah)采访期间举行客串一样,梅根(Meghan)也在这里为拼车卡拉OK。This was clearly planned, which is why she looked so f-cking gorgeous in that shot on the phone, but the gossipy bit had to do with how she referred to him. I think this is the first time we hear her calling him by his nickname… Haz?

James picks up on it to emphasise the moment even more – and all of this adds up to Harry’s intention with this appearance, not-so-subtly showing us what he’s like when he’s freed from royal rigidity. Here’s how goofy he is, here’s him knocking on someone’s door asking if he can use the facilities, here’s how he speaks to his wife, and then finally…


结束拼车卡拉OK包括哈利和詹姆斯做一个军事化rkout, which is an opportunity for Harry to show how fit he is. I mean, he doesn’t take off his shirt, but he gets right into the dirt, and he flies up that rope, and over several walls, and it’s not only a reminder that he’s a stud, but also… more importantly… considering all the talk that has happened over the last few weeks about his military honours, here’s Harry, the prince who is a veteran, flexing his soldier side (cue Destiny’s child, “我知道这里的一些士兵,他们在哪里,他们在哪里”), as if to say, you can take away those ribbons, but I know this work, I did this work, and I can still do this work.

For the military community then, this had to have been well-received. Through all the noise, the fact of the matter is, here’s a dude who’s literally been there, and this was a signal from him to them that he’s one of them. I don’t think you can overstate how smart this messaging is.

因此,我们应该回到我们开始的地方:消息传递。这是公共关系的胜利。公关的每一次胜利都以公关的努力。在专门从事公关或更具体的名人公关的小镇中,由出色的策略塑造的出色努力。那就是哈利和梅根的样子,而且一直都是 - 他们是名人,他们似乎不再假装不这样做?lol比赛视频2019皇室成员也是名人,他们只是不承lol比赛视频2019认。但是,现在有了哈利和梅根,如果他们可以在公开场合撒尿,他们就可以在公开场合公开。因此,我们可以按名人的标准通过名人的角度对其进行评估。哈利刚刚展示了他的工作。哈利正在努力成为一个精明的名人。

轮到梅根·flex,下一个和奥普拉。盖尔King said on CBS this morning that Oprah says it’s “one of the best interviews she’s ever done” and apparently it’s now a two-hour special? I don’t know that they’ve made an official announcement of the schedule change but if Oprah thinks she has enough to fill two hours, and this is a woman who knows television, the Sussexes could be following up this Harry Karaoke slam dunk with another monster jam.