王室,尤其是哈里王子和梅根·马克尔(Prince Harry)和梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)围绕的负面和经常不准确的报道与金钱有关。How much it cost to renovate their place, how much it cost for them to go on holiday, how much the baby shower was, how much the baby clothes are, etc etc etc. That’s because of the financial support that the British royal family gets from the public. And the Sussexes break all of that down on their website under the“资金”页面


“Discussions with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage. We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through.”





然后,在签署这些协议之前,被打开nd available and free to take meetings with the people who can make those deals happen. Without being accused of breaching whatever protocol or propriety standard imposed on senior royals. Where? In Los Angeles. In New York. Wherever the people they want to know and meet with are based. And again, without the handcuff and being tethered to a royal machine.


梅根是一名演员。她不是最大的明星西装。让我们不要假装在电视和电影中工作的人不喜欢这个名声。这不会使他们成为坏人 - 只是使他们成为名人,这就是本网站的全部重点。lol比赛视频2019对于像梅根(Meghan)这样的人,当时她正在试镜然后着陆西装被考虑在其他电影和电视项目中,就像您在好莱坞工作时一样,目标是达到她现在的水平。她是世界上最著名的女性之一,嫁给了世界上最著名的男人之一。但是在王室中,没有机会体验这一名望的所有好处。当然,一些好处,苏塞克斯人的皇家利益并不是所有名人都得到的,只有他们受到限制。lol比赛视频2019此举消除了这些限制。

Buuuuuut将带来一系列新的问题。那些皇家对什么的限制和不认为“适合皇家”的优势之一是,它提供了一定程度的保护,无论是身体保护还是声誉保护。Like royal protection officers, security, travel arrangements, even simple lifestyle logistics – like exercise, groceries, etc. There have been questions about how that will be funded and while that may continue to come from the royal account, it’s going to be harder and harder to justify, if they’re spending time in North America doing their thing and the British taxpayers are watching from across the ocean. Flying, for example, is the most obvious thing to eyeball, considering what happened last summer与私人飞机。Are the Sussexes going to start flying commercial? Will they have to rely on the generosity of others? If they’re focusing on their foundation and their own income, they’ll presumably and likely be taking meetings with people with a LOT of money for philanthropy and investment. You know, more and more, you have to be so careful with that kind of network, which means they’ll need a team of people vetting everything, making sure they’re not financially tracking back to some shady sh-t. Balancing the freedom that will come from leaving the confines of the royal family with the fact that it will expose them to a whole other world of opportunism that doesn’t have to be cleared through the pretense of royal checks has to be priority. And they can’t afford to let their guard down on that when they go Hollywood, let their guard down, get caught up on the very, very, VERY VIP celebrity circuit. Hollywood Sussex, here they come.