在过去的24小时内,这些似乎是文化的两个关键词:“不是今天”。那些昨天是哈里王子的非正式话语,因为他在伦敦马拉松比赛中再次出人意料。就像上周的ANZAC日间服务一样,哈利的出席率没有得到预先确认,因为他和梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)在等他们的孩子。显然,没有迹象表明梅根昨天会劳作,他出现在为运动员加油打气并祝贺。这就是每天在婴儿到达之前每天都这样 - 每天婴儿都不到达,关于婴儿还没有到达的头条新闻。“不今天”直到它。

在其他哈利和梅根新闻中,伊德里斯·埃尔巴本周末在马拉喀什与Sabrina Dhowre结婚。伊德里斯(Idris)去年是皇家婚礼的客人,据报道,他收到了苏塞克斯豪斯(House Sussex)的一份特别的礼物。根据《每日邮报》,哈里和梅根(Harry)和梅根(Meghan)向伊德里斯(Idris)和萨布丽娜(Sabrina)发送了这张印刷品,价值9,000美元:

当您是皇室或名人时,这就是事情 - 您不能只派肉汁船。(I didn’t grow up in a household that had a gravy boat and I only found out what they were when I was way into adulthood which is why they’re still my point of reference for wedding registry gifts.) Oprah, for example, as mentioned earlier, is good friends with Maria Shriver and attended Katherine Schwarzenegger’s bridal shower. Oprah is OPRAH. There’s a gift-giving pressure that comes with the profile. Oprah can’t just send over a cast iron pot, and neither can the Sussexes. And they also can’t just shove some cash into an envelope which is what I do, the Chinese way (also known as the best and easiest way, but for some reason, western people consider this low classy). What would happen though? How would those f-cking pearl-clutchy assholes react at one of these aristocratic titled weddings if someone actually did that?