正如上一篇文章所述,安德鲁亲王和约克队做了一件小便的工作1zplay为他们的面试做准备与BBC Newsnight和Emily Maitlis一起。这是一场一致且没有避免的灾难。除了Lady Colin Campbell,谁能从谈话中找到一个积极性,更糟糕的是,安德鲁的表现新闻之夜made everything worse. He was mocked on social media. He was trending, along with the hashtag #nonceuponatime. Which is why even the Sun and the Daily Mail and Piers Morgan (!!!) had to go full court press with their coverage of the interview. It was the thing the British public couldn’t stop talking about: Prince Andrew, the f-cking joke of the royal family…and how un-sweaty he is. Imagine what the Queen must have been thinking when this came out of his mouth:

I wish so badly we could see the expression on Emily Maitlis’s face when Prince Andrew decided to answer her question about Virginia Roberts Giuffre’s allegations with an Inactive Sweat Glands Defence. The Queen’s second son is telling us that he couldn’t possibly have raped a 17 year old girl because he has a rare Inactive Sweat Gland condition. If you put that in a script, the network would send a note back that it defied belief! This is crazy!

但是,您当然知道他为什么认为会踢球,对吗?安德鲁(Andrew)试图以最愚蠢的方式在这里做的事情提醒我们,他在海军服役,他是战争英雄。他认为那将是一个要点 - 就像,还记得我勇敢并适合为我们的国家而战吗?曾经是士兵的人怎么可能参与性贩运?


But if it was only his Inactive Sweat Gland situation, it might be salvageable. The problem is that the sweat glands aren’t the only problem. There’s also the matter of Andrew being all like, oh, no, I’m not a party guy.



当然,这是关于安德鲁王子和弗吉尼亚·罗伯茨饰边的照片。她声称,他的朋友,死去的强奸犯恋童癖者杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)和他所谓的吉斯莱恩·麦克斯韦(Ghislaine Maxwell)将她介绍给安德鲁王子。根据弗吉尼亚州的说法,她对安德鲁王子的性行为三度。当然,我们所有人都看到了安德鲁(Andrew)的照片,胳膊围绕着她。安德鲁告诉艾米丽·迈特利斯(Emily Maitlis),他不记得与弗吉尼亚州见面。他不再称她为骗子,但声称她的帐户是不准确的,因为他不出汗,不知道Tramp Nightclub的酒吧在哪里,而且还因为他从未在Ghislaine Maxwell的楼上上楼。

尽管有一张他的照片,弗吉尼亚州在吉斯莱恩·麦克斯韦(Ghislaine Maxwell)的楼上拍​​摄了楼。

But… even though he doesn’t remember THAT, he does remember going to Pizza Express in Woking with his children since it’s rather out of the ordinary for a person of his status to go to Pizza Express in Woking. Which speaks to what’s ordinary and what’s not ordinary in his life. Not ordinary would be having a meal at a fast food establishment. Ordinary would be, you know, hanging out with millionaires as underage girls milled out. You remember that which is extraordinary; you forget the quotidian. And THAT what’s so telling about Prince Andrew and the people he spent time with: this is an environment where one cancasually drop the n-wordin a business discussion and not really think it’s all that weird when a very rich man is surrounded by very young girls. Explained Andrew:

“The other aspect of this is that… is that I live in an institution at Buckingham Palace which has members of staff walking around all the time and I don't wish to appear grand but there were a lot of people who were walking around Jeffrey Epstein's house. As far as I was aware, they were staff, they were people that were working for him, doing things, I… as it were, I interacted with them if you will to say good morning, good afternoon but I didn't, if you see what I mean, interact with them in a way that was, you know what are you doing here, why are you here, what's going on?”

Like, OF COURSE it wouldn’t have been weird to him, he’s so used to walking around places where people are in servitude, only in this case, the “servitude” in question is actually less “staff” and more “sex slave”, and if he couldn’t tell the difference, what the f-ck is his “normal”? What is Prince Andrew’s scale of what’s right and wrong in comparison to what is legitimately right and wrong?

因为在采访结束时,当艾米丽·梅特利斯(Emily Maitlis)再次问他,他是否有遗憾还是内gui,而不是对受害者表示同情,安德鲁(Andrew)出了以下内容:

“As far as Mr Epstein was concerned, it was the wrong decision to go and see him in 2010. As far as my association with him was concerned, it had some seriously beneficial outcomes in areas that have nothing and have nothing to do with what I would describe as what we're talking about today.

On balance, could I have avoided ever meeting him? Probably not and that's because of my friendship with Ghislaine, it was… it was… it was inevitable that we would have come across each other. Do I regret the fact that he has quite obviously conducted himself in a manner unbecoming? Yes.”


艾米丽·梅特利斯(Emily Maitlis)立即打电话给他,他的回答是合理化他试图“礼貌”。为了F-CK的缘故,伙计,如果有任何时间不礼貌并感到愤怒,即使是皇室,那就是您谴责F-Cking恋童癖者!

还有,即使艾米丽试图给他一个clue, he still doesn’t pick up on it because he carries on justifying his friendship – with a dead rapist pedophile!


And that’s what Emily keeps coming back to, quite rightly – whyyyyyyy were you still friends with him? Prince Andrew can’t say, or won’t say. None of the answers line up…and when you consider that Jeffrey Epstein loaned Sarah Ferguson money – which does not come up in the interview – it begins to make sense why he has to talk himself into knots explaining what he cannot explain: that Jeffrey Epstein was a financial asset to him. An asset in many ways, actually. This, earlier, is how Andrew characterised their association:

“But it would be a considerable stretch to say that he was a very, very close friend. But he had the most extraordinary ability to bring extraordinary people together and that's the bit that I remember as going to the dinner parties where you would meet academics, politicians, people from the United Nations, I mean it was a cosmopolitan group of what I would describe as US eminents.”

“Eminents.” Thirsty ass motherf-cker. Thirsty ass STARF-CKER. That’s pretty much what he’s saying here. Here’s the second son of the Queen of England exposing himself to be a social climber, the most common practice of commoners. Specifically what Meghan Markle has been accused of – and he’s doing it with the royal blood in his veins.

When are we talking about the hypocrisy of tearing down Meghan for supposedly scheming her way into the family when there’s a member of the family who appeared to overlook the crimes of a rapist pedophile so that he could hang out with “eminents”?!

And finally, over and over Prince Andrew insists that he and Jeffrey Epstein weren’t close – and yet, despite the fact that they weren’t close, he felt he had to break up with the dude in person because it was the “honourable” thing to do?! That’s how he tried to explain why he went to see Epstein in 2010, so that he could end their friendship. And ended up staying with him for four days while Epstein hosted a dinner in his honour, which Andrew couldn’t explain either.

如果你不关闭,为什么要分手in person? If you’re breaking up, WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING OVER?! There’s our几个好人法庭时刻。这一切都没有加起来 - 这就是为什么他在盘问中崩溃了。

It was a matter of “convenience”, said Andrew. I’m sorry, but you’re a member of the British royal family. It’s convenient for you at most places. At most luxury hotels. Is “convenience” here a euphemism for “cheap”? Because if it is, well, it’s coming back to money once again.

And maybe, for these kinds of people, that’s the most humiliating part of it all. That he has to go around begging people to let him stay over.

For the full transcript of Prince Andrew’s interview on Newsnight,click here