这不是重新运行。嘉乐扇动穿着本周的衣服上个星期自从她作为陪审员的戛纳,正如莎拉预测的那样,她一直在送去看看看看,最重要的是,她的外表并不是同样的,闪光,魅力,羽毛,火车。在这些选择中有很多乐趣和想象力 - 没有比她所佩戴的东西更多曾几何时......在好莱坞周二首映,正如我们所看到的那样,这是节日过程中所有首演的最大值。所以她充分利用了这一刻。

但是让我们备份一点,因为这近埃雷的时尚色情游行没有从戛纳开始。她在梅的庆祝活动中踢了它。嘉乐扇动赢得了梅的庆祝活动与Zendaya一起露营的Go-Go Groupie女孩氛围,似乎她仍然在迪奥戛纳的戛纳留在夜晚。衣服是基督徒迪奥的新看看40多人的回归,是时尚历史上的定义剪影之一。And that it’s being worn in Cannes, the most extra and over-the-top of all film festivals, there’s an extra layer of throwback here to classic movie stars on the Croisette, or a movie star playing the part of “mysterious woman who boards the train” in a classic movie, smoking a cigarette out of a cigarette holder, all red lips and secrets.

我喜欢这就是Elle如何使用风格,具有表情,尝试与她的衣服的身份。I love that she’s willing to lean into these moments, vamping for the cameras, working every angle to do right by the design, showing us that she can be more than just a princess gown – and that her appearances in Cannes may also be marking a new stage of her career, that perhaps she’s made the fashion part of the work, part of the strategy, yet another example of how clothes aren’t只是衣服。