

我在谈论zendaya。当Zendaya在某个地方出现在某个地方,在一个首要的地方,在一个奖项节目上,周日早午餐,她将制作最好的打扮的名单。这对她来说是自动的。任何和所有的服装都是本周候选人的服装。例如,这一装备可以很容易地在本周ootw。她有那种他们在奖项之后的风格。这将有一天发生,我想。有一天会有Zendaya风格奖,在她的荣誉中。如果可以的话,我会开始它 - 本周奖的Zendaya衣服 - 但它会毫无意义。谁给了一个关于我的Dinky-Ass网站的奖励的F-CK? Maybe it should be Vogue. But then would all the other celebrities be jealous?

这是Zendaya在昨天在巴黎的ArmaniPrivé演示文稿中享有QuictaAni。像往常一样痴迷。骑马裤的裁剪燕尾服衬衫是一个完美的寻找她。与Zendaya虽然,它在小细节中,这就是让她分开的东西。就像穿着裤子的紧身衣一样。It’s a style choice as opposed to a functional one here (like to cover up a shaving cut, for example) because earlier in the day she went out bare-legged so I’m assuming she and Law Roach decided it was the better look, perhaps to keep the skin exposure, and the focus of the outfit, to the midriff only. This is the attention to detail, the thought that goes into an outfit, that I appreciate so much.

