疯狂的富人亚洲人was not nominated for Oscar last week so the SAGs was the last awards season stop for the cast, at least until the sequel comes out. Which won’t be for a while since director Jon M Chu is working with Lin-Manual Miranda on the film adaptation of在高度and that doesn’t go into production until later this year. There’s no sadness here though, not when you consider everything thatCRA已经取得了成就:连续几个星期赢得票房,进一步建立了康斯坦斯·吴(Constance Wuon display in the movie), and giving Awkwafina all the opportunities to steal every scene she’s in to the point that it seems like we can’t go a month without an Awkwafina headline about whatever new project she’s been signed to.

这始终是目标:动力。这是之后没有发生的事情The Joy Luck Club26年前。正如我们现在所知,当时的势头已经停滞不前,并不是因为亚洲创作者在业务中缺乏尝试。只是有钱的人从来没有相信观众在那里。这个事实现在很难忽略。它不容忽视。这就是为什么势头得以维持的原因:就像疯狂的富人亚洲人结束了其在SAGS的颁奖季节,新的周期已经在圣丹斯(Sundance)陷入运动。

正如莎拉(Sarah)所写上周她的圣丹斯预览的明星,Awkwafina Sundanc两个项目e – one of them,告别,已被A24收购。以前的A24电影包括月光,伯德夫人,八年级,首先改革,杀死神圣的鹿,许多声望项目是颁发季节对话。The Farewellis written and directed by Asian American filmmaker Lulu Wang based on her own experience of going back to China to spent time with her grandmother who didn’t know she had cancer, and the whole family decided not to tell her but instead plan a wedding so that she could enjoy one final celebration. If that sounds familiar it’s because you listen toThis American Life它是在2016年4月的一集中的一集中的“捍卫无知”。如果您还没有,则应下载它以便回家。这是一个很棒的故事。根据综艺几家公司感兴趣The Farewell,包括亚马逊和Netflix,但他们确实想要这部电影的主要戏剧发行,就像与之一样疯狂的富人亚洲人。这些故事应该在那些巨大的屏幕上得到他们的时刻。

贾斯汀·尚(Justin Chon)在电影后两年在圣丹斯(Sundance)也引起了一些嗡嗡声Gook赢得了圣丹斯下一个观众奖。正如莎拉所指出的在她的预览中,贾斯汀(前演员)“稳步扩大”。她预测紫色女士,Tiffany Chu, would be a breakout. And given the reception the film has received so far, that call is looking very promising. More on Justin andMs Purple詹·扬马托(Jen Yamato)为《洛杉矶时报》:

But the biggest sale out of Sundance so far is深夜,由Nisha Ganatra执导,由Mindy Kaling制作,撰写和主演,并由Emma Thompson共同主演。亚马逊获得了深夜for $13 million.



但是现在我们可以快速了解Gemma Chan的连衣裙吗?这是我通常讨厌的一切:塔夫塔(Taffeta),穆特(Mullet)滑雪和粉红色。但是,这件由劳拉·金(Laura Kim)和费尔南多·加西亚(Fernando Garcia)设计的奥斯卡·德拉·伦塔(Oscar de la Renta)礼服都没有问题。(杰玛(Gemma)曾说过,她将在整个奖项季节展示亚洲设计师。)这很精致。以及使塔夫塔(Taffeta)精致的关键 - 给它尺寸。在大多数情况下,塔夫塔(Taffeta)呈现给我们公寓,并没有那么多切割。他们从所有这些塔夫夫塔(Taffeta)中剪裁,皱着眉头,使sh-t弄褶,尤其是对杰玛(Gemma)的效果非常漂亮。