Today is Meghan Markle’s 40th birthday. As mentioned yesterday inWhat Else?, there are reports that she and Prince Harry are hosting a 65-person party at their home in Montecito. This, however, is coming from UK tabloids and we know now that sourcing on the Sussexes from the British papers is suspect at best these days.

While we wait on legit reporting about Meghan’s birthday celebrations, we do know that public birthday wishes have been extended from senior members of the British royal family. The social media accounts representing the Queen, Prince Charles, and Prince William and Kate have all posted Happy Birthday messages…with emojis, LOL.

On Instagram, all three accounts wished Meghan a Happy Birthday on stories, and not on the feed. So obviously there was a coordinated strategy, a conversation that happened between the three royal households to decide how to send their public wishes. At some point, then, it was decided to not do it on the IG feed. Are you curious about why? I’m always curious about why, about the strategy and the reasoning behind it.

In this case, since there is tension between family members, some might assume that posting the birthday message on stories, which is temporary, has to do with the personal issues that remain unresolved. But that wouldn’t cover the Twitter posts which actually don’t disappear after 24 hours.

I wonder then if this is about comments, specifically the gross ass ugly comments on IG that show up on the royal accounts that are much more visible on the IG layout, something that the British royal family has yet to restrict or address directly.

Whatever the reason, clearly there was a conversation about it and clearly there were factors that were considered. British royal communications have been a sh-tshow of incompetence but they’re not unaware of the mess in their mentions. As they continue to bring their social media strategy out of the dark ages, it’ll be interesting to see how they deal with racist, sexist, and sometimes violent f-ckery that shows up on their pages. Or, maybe, they won’t. That’s not exactly their strength.

On that note, Prince Charles and Camilla are providing digital tours of Clarence House.

If you hit that link and go through the photos, if it’s just me, do some of the fixtures on the wall have big coloniser energy?

Prince Charles and Camilla's Clarence House light fixture

Remind you of the timeOfMichael wore that brooch?