I mean, I thought the belly-cupping during the royal tour in Australia, Fiji, Tonga, and New Zealand was extra. Turns out, for Meghan Markle, that was simply entry-level belly-cupping. Last night at the British Fashion Awards, Royal Meghan took it beyond extra to extreme. If you’ve been following this site from the beginning, you are probably familiar with how I feel about belly-cupping. At best it’s an eye-roll. Which is why belly-cupping isn’t standard royal operating procedure. Meghan’s belly-cupping was so next level over-the-top last night though that my friend Lorella wondered if she was trolling. It’s a good question.

The last time a celebrity belly-cup broke the internet was February 1, 2017, a day memorialized forever in gossip history. Do you remember what happened on February 1, 2017? Shame on you if you don’t.

As you know, RoyalMeghan在过去的几周里,由于家庭中皇家男子之间的权力政治的影响,人们一直在激起一些热情,这引起了关于她与凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)的关系的各种谣言,并据称她与该机构之间的摩擦。这是梅根(Megan)的首次公开露面,因为这些报道升级,她的出席人士感到惊讶。在两个多星期以来,每天似乎都有关于她所谓的态度的故事,指责她很困难,英国论文中有一大堆文章暗示她正在污染皇家机构。

You know what the tried and true prescription is for that kind of situation?

A revenge dress. Always a revenge dress. Of course the term “revenge dress” is most closely associated with Meghan’s mother-in-law, Princess Diana, who looked sensational in a little black, off-the-shoulder dress arriving at a party the same night Prince Charles confessed on television to cheating on her in attempt to gain public sympathy. Royal Meghan showing up at the British Fashion Awards last night is from that same playbook, updated with additional moves for 2018.

Because it wasn’t just the gorgeous black velvet Givenchy dress – she looked incredible, like seriously crazy f-cking beautiful – it was also the dark nail polish, what many are calling a major break in royal protocol, and then the outrageous belly-cupping. Have you seen the video yet? (Thanks Fiona!)

当您考虑出人意料的外观,黑色连衣裙,深色指甲油和令人讨厌的肚皮杯时,我想知道……所有这些都是F-CK吗?她是在说F-CK您通过肚皮杯吗?F-CK您对她说的所有SH-T,然后F-CK您到fusty-ass的珍珠上抓着老式的混蛋在内部泄漏的信息上并遮盖她吗?正如她在介绍克莱尔·怀特·凯勒(Clare Waight Keller)时所说的那样:“我们与我们穿的衣服有着深厚的联系。有时这是非常个人化的,有时是情感上的”。苏塞克斯公爵夫人正在阐明布雷克·莱弗利(Blake Lively)与之遇到的困难时期 - 我们穿的衣服和佩戴方式是它自己的交流形式,一种自我的表达,甚至是自我宣言。因此,这不仅是一件衣服,不仅是修指甲,而且不仅是花园品种肚皮杯。这是像碧昂斯一样的意图 - 抓住聚光灯,占主导地位,故意打破互联网。皇家梅根(Royal Meghan)正在弯曲。


She’ll never win playing their game because their game was designed to keep out people like her or control people like her. They set the rules, they move the goalposts. Are we seeing some defiance then? The knock on Meghan has always been that she’s too Hollywood, she was an actress, she’s not of their world. So, maybe, she’s leaning into her old world and dropping it on their doorstep. This is a Hollywood style counter attack. It’s a mic drop moment. It’s a classic celebrity red carpet upstage. And she leaned all the way into it.

If that’s what this really is, it’s strategic, intelligent disruption. As has been established, Royal Meghan is a skilled public speaker. Last night was yet another showcase of her talent. She was articulate and warm and she touched on familiar messages – female empowerment, support, and kindness – and was there to honour the first female creative head of the House of Givenchy. This is timeless and fundamental Hollywood PR: recognize the achievements of others and be the centre of attention all at once. It’s a difficult combination to execute, high degree of difficulty here. Judging from the headlines last night and today, she pulled it off.

But what will the reaction be from inside the palace(s)?

Here’s something that may or may not be related: Did you see the boomerang that was posted on the British Fashion Awards Instagram account? Many of the guests last night were asked to do one – a variation on this:

So, basically, like the E! 360 fashion cam at all the award shows.梅根做了一个with Clare Waight Keller andRosamund Pike。你可以看到here但这不再是英国时尚奖项帐户。并不是他们想让它拆除。所以……是否有要求将其拆除的请求?通过谁?为什么?是试图检查她的反抗吗?此时甚至可以检查它吗?我希望不是。尤其是,如果我们昨晚看到的是皇家梅根(Royal Meghan)不仅不会提交的迹象,她会抵抗。后刺的朝臣现在将如何处理?