By Billboard Hot 100 standards, the biggest song of 2021 so far is BTS’s “Butter”. It has topped the chart for more weeks than any other track this year, is still consistently landing in the Top 10, and the band intends to extend that success even further by releasing a remix of “Butter” featuring Megan Thee Stallion, who has emerged as one of the most electrifying talents in the music business over the last couple of years. The combination of MTS+BTS, then, well, it should be a no-brainer, right?

“黄油”,混音,梅根应该星期五放弃。但是,幕后有戏剧,现在已经公开了。梅根(Megan)的标签为1501认证的娱乐活动,没有在合作中签字,并且在过去几周内一直试图阻止其发布。梅根(Megan)提交了法院文件,以推出单曲,这是现已批准的请求。因此,我们将在几天内听到这首歌,但这并不意味着解决了更大的问题。梅根·你(Megan Thee)的种马正处于她职业生涯的开始 - 她已经赢得了格莱美奖,她已经是一笔很大的F-Cking交易,而且潜力更大。但是她签署了一份牛市T的合同;这是剥削性的,完全不公平,与她的标签的这一争议尚未解决。


“在梅根·你种马的原始限制性订单请求中,说唱歌手将她与1501“不合情理”称为合同,声称她在赚取超过10亿的流并出售了超过300,000个单独的曲目下载后,只有15,000美元从标签上支付了15,000美元 - 合并价值。估计700万美元。该合同(已包含在诉讼中)显示了她与1501签署的360次交易,该标签获得了她的主唱片的所有权,她的净记录特许权使用费的60%,她的出版的50%,其中30%,其中30%销售,赞助和认可的收入,以及现场表演的30%的收入,以及超过1,000美元的副艺术家参与。”



BTSis the biggest band in the world, with the Midas Touch – they’re printing money, innovating during the pandemic, and profiting during a time when artists haven’t been able to tour and tap into the cash streams ordinarily available to them. Because of course they have one of the most engaged fanbases in the history of popular music who continue to spend their money on whatever it is that they’re putting out there. And BTS wanted so much to work with Megan they were willing to make an exception for her in the fee structure they normally commit to. That information is in the documents posted on this Twitter thread below:


但是,如果您查看我刚刚链接的这些文件,另一个公司名称出现了几次:杰伊·Z(Jay-Z)的管理公司ROC Nation。自2019年以来,罗克国家(Roc Nation)拒绝了梅根(Megan Thee)种马,他们支持合作。They’re also clearly supportive of Megan fighting for her career and trying to negotiate better terms with 1501. According to Billboard, at the moment, Megan is no longer trying to leave 1501 and is instead pursuing a new contract with a more equitable arrangement but given the toxicity that has unfolded thus far, it can’t be in her best interests to continue with this relationship and be as productive as she can be. She’s already accusing them of causing great harm to her professional reputation and creativity – and a court has agreed with her, because she’s not wrong. This label appears to be prioritising their own profit at the expense of her talent and her autonomy.

And the thing is, Megan’s case is probably not an anomaly. Young artists, desperate to perform and share their art with people, are often bound to horribly inequitable deals that were signed without much experience and or expert counsel. Many find themselves powerless to free themselves from these binds. Megan Thee Stallion has been accumulating capital though. She’s a name now, a headliner, she has her own voice, and she has super muscle behind her.

罗克民族不是开玩笑。因此,令人鼓舞的是,她可能不是一个人打架。I can’t imagine that she’s not getting support from Jay-Z and his people, who of course obviously have their own vested financial interest in the artists that they manage, which means in Megan’s case if 1501 is taking such a huge cut of her earnings, they’re left with less too.

And yet, given Roc Nation’s roster, which includes some of music’s heaviest hitters, like Rihanna and Alicia Keys and DJ Khaled and Big Sean and more, their system must be working on some level for their artists – and Megan as we’ve seen over the last couple of years is definitely benefitting from it. But not getting paid enough by her label.
