Lili Reinhart和Cole Sprouse上周末在Comic-Con上里弗代尔。有人说他们几乎没有互动,这引起了警报。然后几天前e!新闻报道他们在夏天早些时候分手了,他们不再生活在一起,并保持距离。但是E!的消息人士还说:“他们可能会朝着聚会的方向前进”。

然后昨天W杂志r解散了新的封面故事根据作家戴维·阿姆斯登(David Amsden)的说法,当莉莉(Lili)和科尔(Cole)一起拍摄了该功能时,他当时仍在约会(早在5月),但他们想单独进行采访。

“我很高兴我们使您的工作变得更加困难,” Sprouse笑着说,当我提出主题时。两个月后,两者将浪漫地分道扬ways,对我怀疑的怀疑可能会与他们两个人联系在一起,这使他们的未来不确定。但是当我们见面时,一位和aff的27岁男孩斯普鲁斯(Sprouse)用一种打败的招摇,他解释了选择的选择店铺。“We’re not fighting with the idea that people group us together, but we are paired up a lot,” she had told me, meaning both as the celebrity couple that had spawned an awkward hashtag (#sprousehart) and as Riverdale’s Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones, or “Bughead,” in fan parlance, an avenging duo that has become the dominant romance on a show with no shortage of dewy entanglements. “We’re acknowledging that we’re in a relationship, but it’s a small part of who we are as people. We want our own separate identities.” On the roof, Sprouse offered up a similarly polished nugget of discretion. “Lili is an incredibly talented individual who speaks for herself and deserves her own voice box in every single way,” he said. “That alone is justification enough for me to do it like this. I don’t think we’re weaving two different narratives here.”









等等,所以小报是错误的,它们没有分解?我们对谁生气!就像,将小报在他们的sh-t上称为一回事。但这是故意模棱两可的另一个。I’m not complaining and I kinda think it’s fun, but playing it this way also extends the game, it makes them a participant, it adds to the intrigue … and I’m not sure you can be like, boo bah f-ck off, stop talking sh-t about us when you’re giving them more to talk about and obsess over? Whatever it is that’s happening, the fans have been given some hope. I think?

至于想分开进行采访以及是否告诉我们有关他们浪漫地位的任何事情 - 我可以落后,尤其是对她的落后。莉莉(Lili)今年22岁。她是一个雄心勃勃的演员。到目前为止,她的职业生涯已经由一场演出,一个角色和一个关系来定义。最终,也许已经是,她想超越里弗代尔还有贝蒂(Betty),任何人都很难摆脱行业和观众想要给您的地方,尤其是女性。如果我是她,即使我仍然爱上了我的男朋友,我也不想接受他的采访。她有一部电影在6周内上映:骗子将在大规模发行之前在Tiff上进行筛选。这是她自开始的第一个主要知名项目里弗代尔。如果她拥有良好的管理里弗代尔和科尔。

阅读完整的Lili Reinhart和Cole Sprouse的封面故事这里