We kicked off the day with nostalgia. Should we keep it going?

兰尼·克拉维兹(Lenny Kravitz)has a memoir out called让爱规则哪个……显然。那张专辑和后续专辑妈妈说过,ruled my life at the end of high school and through university. Still now, when I hear the first bars of “It Ain’t Over Til It’s Over” I feel like crying.

莱尼(Lenny)讲述了他早年的故事 - 并不是真正专注于大气的名声,而是关于他的影响力,童年,混血儿,是的,他谈到了与丽莎·波内特(Lisa Bonet)的关系。这对夫妻的光荣,我的上帝。我们将在一分钟内回到这一点。让我们从他的身份开始。莱尼写道他觉得“深层双面”,深深地扎根:他的母亲是黑人和基督徒。In a今日美国的新采访, Lenny talks about when he first realised that even though it was normal for him at home and in his community, it would not feel that way once he stepped out of that environment:


玛丽亚·凯里(Mariah Carey)还解决了她的经验,感觉自己是两个世界,但不是一个世界,她从不知道自己的属于地点。显然,她和莱尼(Lenny),因为他们是不同的人,但经历了不同的经历,但是像许多混血儿一样,他们分享了他们独特的观点,即被多种文化塑造的感觉。

至于莱尼与他父亲的关系,他says it took him a long time to unpack and get real about their complicated history and how it informed his own personal history, specifically related to infidelity. Lenny recounts in the book the time his parents talked to him about his father’s cheating. And in that moment, what his father told him was, “You’ll do it too”. This, when I read it, was a gut-punch – because that’s what it was for him:

“I didn't understand the severity of that statement, and that's not the answer my mother expected to come out of his mouth. She was passing the ball to my father, and that would have been his cue to say, "You know, son, I was wrong. I hope you learn from this, etc., etc." But he said what he said, and wow, that was really hardcore.

我现在看这本书后现在看着它,认为他只是从他的真理中说话。他与父亲经历了同样的经历,这是他离开家并去军队的原因之一。这是他一直试图下车的猴子,只是重复父亲的历史。他只是认为这是一个世代相传的问题,我也会重复。它很深 - 就像戏剧中的东西。直到我长大后,我才意识到它的力量,而且我必须真正地努力并理解并征服它。这是我一生中(全部)我的精力和精力。”

不是您典型的名人回忆录的启示,对吗?这将我们带到了我们一生的名人浪漫史丽莎·邦特(Lisa Bonet)。对于其中一个。我还没有读过这本书,所以我不知道他会介绍他们的婚姻为什么结束的原因 - 但是无论出于何种原因,他们都没有让它影响他们的关系。正如我们所看到的,他们继续互相崇拜,互相支持,他们一如既往地接近。

但是它是如何开始的?莱尼说,即使他与其他人订婚,他也对她着迷。他首先在杂志的封面上看到她,并告诉朋友:“我要嫁给那个女孩”。然后他们在一场新版音乐会(!!!!!)上遇到了真实的见面,他笨拙地告诉了她(通过第六页), “I like your hair”. So Lenny Kravitz, the coolest cat ever, couldn’t find any flow in the presence of Lisa Bonet. That’s the power of Lisa Bonet!

“这是la脚的线条,一条愚蠢的线,是坏线历史上最糟糕的一条线之一”是他在书中描述它的方式。我的意思是,我认为他对自己太努力了。如果Lenny Kravitz告诉我他喜欢我的头发,我将把它作为最佳史上最好的线条之一。再说一次,我不是丽莎·邦特(Lisa Bonet)。

They started off as friends. He was going to marry someone else. But his fiancée, Mitzi, could feel that, well, his heart and soul and everything was with Lisa. And then one night Lenny and Lisa were in a recording studio and she tripped, into his arms, and well… legend.


诚实地?如果我读到其他任何人,我正在cho住奶酪。但是,当Lenny Kravitz对他对Lisa Bonet的爱说这句话时?这就是我想吃的一切。


“We didn’t need a thing. We didn’t need clothes. We bathed in the ocean. We made love.”
