
我想谈谈小吃。我认为自己是小吃专家。如果您经常访问此网站,您可能会熟悉我对Oreos和Cheetos的热情。我发现了许多创造性的方法,可以将Cheetos和Cheeto Dust融入我的食物中,以至于我可能会想出一本食谱。例如:将Cheeto灰尘添加到您的Mac和奶酪,土豆泥和肉饼中。我还以前还将Cheeto Dust洒到了我的Congee中。相信我。这是赢家。

所以昨天,促进发布复仇者:最终游戏在网上发布了一个由Anthony Mackie和Sebastian Stan Reading Tweets的视频。有一次,安东尼读了一条推文,将他与燃烧的热Cheetos进行了比较。确切的措辞是:

“安东尼·麦基(Anthony Mackie)是如此的F-Cking很好,我希望他的Cheetos像他一样炽热”



我尝试了funyon。他们非常非常好。这是一个问题:他们几乎在加拿大找不到 - 相信我,我在小吃过道上度过了很多时间。我知道当地杂货店的小吃过道,就像我知道壁橱一样。Some weekends I’m about to request a meeting with the store manager to offer my services as a snack stocking consultant because they do this thing at the grocery where they tweak where items are placed from week to week and some weeks, the placement is excellent and some weeks, the placement is stupid. For example, Doritos should never be too close to Cheetos, like there should be some popcorn and other business in between them because Doritos and Cheetos are flavour friends. Many people buy both so it’s just smart business to introduce other products to the customer in the time that it takes them to pick up a bag of Doritos and then scan for the Cheetos. After all, that’s probably why the grocery keeps moving sh-t around right? They don’t want you to get too comfortable knowing exactly where things are that you don’t discover new items you could spend your money on.

无论如何,回到Funyons - 在这里找不到它们。我可以在线订购它们,并且确实在网上订购一些小吃,例如芭芭拉的奶酪泡芙(墨西哥胡椒是最好的味道),但是在您购买所有必需品时,手头购买小吃会带来特定的乐趣。而且我从来没有与Funyons感到高兴。对我来说,这是一个不断的母狗:加拿大不可用的美国零食。


在美国,有一种加拿大零食,我仍然不会交易funyons,就像它们一样出色。那将是番茄酱。Ketchup chips are, in my opinion, the best chip flavour, better than salt and vinegar (which, depending on the brand, can totally taste off, in that stinky vinegar way) and all-dressed, and sour cream and onion (I’ve never found a brand that is truly concentrated equally in the sour cream and onion flavour) and the rest. If dill pickle flavour was more consistent, I might put that up in a fight against ketchup but, brand to brand, the dill doesn’t hold up. Ketchup, on the other hand, is consistent brand to brand. It’s just that reliable, like Cheetos. Cheetos are so reliable, I don’t think they get enough credit for it.




这是Anthony Mackie/Sebastian Stan Thirst Tweet视频:

