
如果您尚未阅读它,请将其放在您的列表中:E Alex Jung的Kumail Nanjiani个人资料。For starters, any time E Alex Jung writes a celebrity profile it’s worth your time and the subscription – he connects with his subjects with empathy and objectivity, and the result is almost always real conversations that form the foundation for insightful pieces that really get to the heart of who this person is, what they care about, why they make the choices they make.

Kumail正在促进漫威的永恒,在三个星期内到期。虽然是库玛尔永恒may have been what brought him to his decision to achieve the so-called perfect body, his complicated relationship with his body began a long time ago – and it’s a relationship he’s still trying to understand in real time, and that process is now even more confusing because the public has been invited to participate.

众所周知,库米尔(Kumail)的身体转变已经大约两年前。正如他在采访中所说的那样,他享受了一年的关注 - 甚至在吉米·金梅尔(Jimmy Kimmel)和杂志功能上露面了他的肌肉。

但是也有反弹。有些人猜测类固醇,另一些人对他似乎屈服于旧学校和狭窄的好莱坞美容标准感到失望。那时他开始意识到,无论他看起来像,它都不会永久改变他的感觉。同时,他越来越痴迷于他的体重,形状和肌肉。并一直意识到这一点:他的身体痴迷只是他深深的不安全感和尚未解决的尊敬问题的症状,这些问题可以追溯到他的童年时代,并且被他搬到美国时所包围的种族主义加剧了他的症状。因此,这是双重的羞耻感 - 当您已经在肤浅的价值体系上螺旋式上陷入困境时,您会感到更糟,因为您知道您应该比通过F-CKKED UP镜头寻求验证更好。

尽管我希望库玛尔(Kumail)并没有经历这场斗争,但同时我也感谢他如此公开地解决这一问题。That there’s a famous man, who is about to be known as a superhero, speaking candidly about low self esteem, about body dysmorphia, about how difficult it is to value yourself on your own terms, how difficult it is to figure out what those terms even are. He can’t be the only one but while Kumail is still working through his challenges, even by just participating in this conversation he’s contributing to the dismantling of toxic masculinity. Because for a long time, people bought into the fallacy that beefing up and getting a six-pack is supposed to be the highest level of self-actualisation, the ultimate definition of being a man. Kumail, however, is discovering that it didn’t make him any happier. Which is something that women can relate to too.

我们有多少人阅读这篇文章可以识别库玛尔在智力上如何同意改变外部的东西并不能解决内部的东西 - 但仍然……仍然……

要阅读E Alex Jung在Kumail Nanjiani上的完整个人资料,请前往秃鹰。附件 - 几周前,Kumail和Emily V Gordon在学院博物馆举行。

