在过去的48小时左右的柯斯滕·杜斯特(Kirsten Durst News)周期中,这是一个长期的周末礼物。当她在好莱坞的名人之旅中收到明星时,我们已经欣赏了基基和未婚夫杰西·普勒蒙斯的新照片和视频,其中包括他们可爱的15个月大的儿子恩尼斯(Ennis)的公开首次亮相- 加拿大人见面,她将批评家和同龄人爆炸,因为她的行业不早就意识到自己的工作。两次。

But let's start with Jesse Plemons, AKA Landry. He and Sofia Coppola, with whom she's worked four times (a "Coppola" times, even. Sorry) were the two people to speak at her induction ceremony on Thursday. While she's currently promoting her新的Showtime系列在佛罗里达州中部成为神, her star was in honour of her film work, and neither Landry nor Sofia have a tie to the series. Landry was introduced as an "actor and Kirsten's husband"在12:30这段视频的标志他们现在结婚了?他在讲话中还称她为“妻子”,而她将他称为“伴侣”,因此陪审团出去了。

I love the cheese factor though. Speaking to the pageantry of the induction ceremony, Landry's mission was to both honour and embarrass Kiki.

“Standing here today, I’m reminded of one of my favourite quotes… In Hollywood, they shoot for the moon, because even if you miss at least you’ll land among stars… That’s not my actual speech… We didn’t share our speeches, and I just wanted to see her face as I gave the most clichéd and boring speech of all time.”

“The truth is, I love you Kiks, and I couldn’t be any prouder of you than I am right now. … Aside from the brilliant actor you are, I’ve also had the even greater pleasure of getting to know you as a person outside of work. …Seeing the kind of mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend and cohort you are is why I and all of your friends and everyone else are here today and why we all love you… It’s for the incredibly generous and amazing person that you are.”

他讲述了“见面的每个细节”飞往卡尔加里工作Fargo,甚至开始发出“ Kiki”的颂歌,使她感到尴尬。是黄金。

Sofia's speech was short and sweet, and she briefly touches on meeting Kiki "in Toronto when she was 16, and I was 29" before filming in处女自杀。

Standing at the podium, Kiki thanked Landry for his sweet, touching words, saying,“Jesse, you are my everything. I never thought I would have a partner that understands me the way that you do.”



那当然是。但是这个认可逾期吗?毕竟……莱尼在两年前首1zplay次写了关于奇基的名人气归纳之旅的文章in June of 2017.

Kiki is somewhat of a cult icon. She's fun, a great interview, and has a solid sense of humour about herself and her career path. I could watch her 1800s "Girls Gone Wild" parody video from常例set all day. But when she sat down with Sirius XM earlier this week, as she looked back on her career, she expressed her disappointment about the type of recognition she's received thus far, and the delayed appreciation for her work.

"The things that people [enjoy] are like, ‘Remember when ‘Marie Antoinette’ [came out] – y’all panned it? And now you all love it. Remember ‘Drop Dead Gorgeous’? Panned. Now you all love it… It’s interesting to me. I feel like a lot of things I do people like later. I’ve never been recognized in my own industry. I’ve never been nominated for anything. Maybe like twice for a Golden Globe when I was little and one for ‘Fargo.’ Maybe they just think I’m the girl from ‘Bring It On.’


You can feel the sense of frustration and heartbreak in her words, but also the tenacity. It's not like she's defeated by her choices - if nothing else, Kiki is standing by them. And social media is rallying behind her. These quotes have been picked up, days after she recorded them, and are circulating at the same time she received one of the biggest professional milestones of her career. Recognition in any field always takes time, and Hollywood is known for eventually cashing in on the "overdue" narrative. It still boggles the mind that Julianne Moore's first Oscar came for仍然爱丽丝,例如。

I vividly remember getting excited about the buzz forMelancholiaafter Kiki won Best Actress at Cannes in 2011. And I remember how excited she was while talking about her family's response to the award on the then-Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, dishing about how her grandmawould talk about it at the grocery store.

There's no doubt her family is still proud of her. But when are we going to get the “overdue” narrative going for Kiki? Is it only a matter of time, or years until timing falls on her side? (Lainey: To be clear, nobody here has to feel sorry for Kirsten Dunst. She’s never had to worry about work, when it’s coming, where it’s coming from. There are a lot of people in Hollywood who are more hard done by, obviously. But this is a “relative” discussion, a comparative discussion. Ten years before there was Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence, there was Kirsten Dunst. She’s not naming anyone, but you know the praise and recognition those two have received. And that never happened for Kiki even though, arguably, they occupy the same spaces.)