自《纽约时报》纪录片发行以来的日子布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears),当我们所有人都面对和冥想我们的同谋(媒体,公众,每个人)如何对待布兰妮,一个名字比其他人更频繁地出现:贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)。他在电影中只出现了几分钟,但您不需要了解他在塑造布兰妮当时声誉方面的角色。此外,如果您多年来一直在访问此网站,那么您可能会熟悉我们在贾斯汀和他的F-CKSH-T上的邀请。


就贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)的道歉而言,我并不完全讨厌这一点。但是我想知道这是否是一个低的酒吧。去年,他在社交媒体上道歉,当时他在醉酒并与联合主演牵着手牵手后使自己和家人感到尴尬。道歉,如果您可以称呼它,以JT宣传他当时正在拍摄的电影结尾。This apology, then, compared to that apology, is an obvious improvement. And, I guess, a good start? Does that mean it’s actually good though?

JT’s apology does hit some key points that he’s never addressed as directly until now. It is short though and it’s not super specific. But …look… it’s not like I’m not always down to drag Justin Timberlake for his f-cksh-t and yet, in this case, as mentioned earlier, and在我本周早些时候的帖子中,,,,在我的帖子中,尤其是在我的帖子中,有一种整个文化对布兰妮发生的事情负责。当然,JT是这种文化的重要组成部分,但他不是唯一的球员。他绝对利用了一系列条件,这些条件始终如一地将白人升高到尤其是有色的女人和女性。Nsync有五名成员,有一个原因,为什么他成为乐队最大的人:布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears);她也是他独奏时能够变得如此迅速的原因 - 通过与她交易的交易。但。整个生态系统也几乎启用了他。这意味着,如果我们真的要考虑它,那么整个生态系统都应该参与这次对话。

因此,我对JT道歉的何处更感兴趣的是,这是否是某事的开始。道歉不一定要完成。他们可以成为一个开始 - 他在这篇文章的结尾说自己想继续对话。这意味着人们应该能够问他。他应该愿意谈论它。这场手势会破坏他的手势,如果他回到平时的F-Ckery,挥舞着所有的一切,我已经说过我很抱歉,我准备继续前进,这是一个经典的名人举动。布兰妮当然没有那种特权。布兰妮一再不得不回答有关“她对JT做了什么”的问题(正如黛安·索耶(Diane Sawyer)要求她所要求的那样)……

贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)declined to be interviewed for布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears),,,,not surprisingly. He probably was not expecting, however, that the reaction to布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)这么难以向他吹回去。虽然现在将他放在医生中为时已晚,但电影制片人仍然存在。《纽约时报》仍然1zplay存在。And it would be great if the follow-up from this apology appetiser, which certainly feels incomplete, could be a longer conversation with the New York Times or the filmmakers, about how his perspective has changed, what he’s learned over the years, how he’s now thinking about his rise, his career, his success, with respect to Britney and Janet Jackson. I’m not saying he has to submit to an interrogation (as satisfying as that would be) but the fact that he took action today indicates that he’s aware of the hit that he’s been taking since the documentary came out and wanted to mitigate the damage. There are going to be skeptics then who will think, given his history, that this is about self-preservation, and that’s fair. So if this isn’t about self-preservation and actually about being part of the conversation, as he says, stay for the conversation. Stick around. Get uncomfortable. Face the tough questions. And if I were advising him, I would tell him not be afraid of them. What would it cost him, after all, now that he’s been exposed to this extent for his shortcomings, the biggest callout so far in his career, to actually be honest about how he, as he said, “failed”. It’s not like nobody knows. And it’s not like so many others aren’t doing the same. So at this point, there’s no downside to actually getting in there and doing the work.

问题是……他会吗?贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)实际上会以这种道歉并“全心全意地”参与这场对话?