A year and a half ago, when it was announced that Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux were over, and people were speculating about what led to the breakup, “sources close to Justin” said it was because he wasn’t into Jen’s boring LA lifestyle and he missed the arty, edgy New York scene. Declaring that you’re more about the arty, edgy New York scene is the antithesis of being arty and edgy. You’d never hear someone say this about Keanu Reeves, for example. Which is why Justin became a punchline around here. Being arty and edgy seemed like a pose. And now he’s opened a bar in New York that’s just as cool as he is. It’s called Ray’s:



阅读全部纽约邮政文章- they’re clearly dragging the celebrity-try vibe of the place and, sure, maybe this is a little unfair, as the NY Post is generally dicky about celebrities anyway, and these days, any bar that’s a new bar has a certain amount of thirst, pardon the pun. A bar is a business. Justin is simply promoting his business, using his platform to set his business up for success – and he’s entitled to do that work, absolutely.

但是,人们碰到反对的是工作的质量,在消息传递中的断开。潜水条,虽然它们不是我的首选关节,但通常有机发现。您一般不会在那里结束,因为您在媒体列表中,您被处理开放的PR机构邀请。然而(我试图在这里辩护他),也许这是它如何与千禧一代和Gen Z的方式?也许这一代Bar Patron不只是在他们邻居的新浇水漏洞上绊倒,也许是为了他们,收件箱中的电子邮件 - 或在Instagram上看到它 - 他们的版本是他们邻居的东西的绊脚石......他们的数字社区吗?


附上 - 上个月在纽约的纽约justin。1zplay