自从四月份回到夸张之后,上周可能是本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)和珍妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)最公开挑战的霍华德·斯特恩有争议的采访。本反抗吉米·金梅尔(Jimmy Kimmel)反对反对他的评论,反对媒体的批判性,因为他的言论脱离了上下文,但据报道,据报道,吉洛(Jlo)对他说的话感到生气,但她还是在后台加入了他的话。为了露面,请确保与他到达录音室的照片,这应该足以淡化情况并改变对话。并不是他们俩都不知道如何。而且,此外,我上周写,jlo是骑行或迪,我没有在他们的关系的这个阶段购买,她的支持少于100。


“尽管媒体报道说,洛佩兹对阿弗莱克与他的前妻有关的评论冒犯了詹妮弗·加纳(Jennifer Garner),在最近接受采访霍华德·斯特恩,在我的途中,歌手说谣言完全是基础的。



我的意思是,明白了,还有……不必要吗?陈词滥调是“一张照片值得一千个单词”,但是上周与本·金梅尔(Kimmel)的本的照片已经说了她对人的重复说的 - 这两个是如此的热度,总是会有关于他们的谣言they’re together, and if they’re no longer together. Offering up a comment like this only extends the life of this story, which was already starting to wane. Strategically, I don’t see what the additional gain was to put more energy into it. In fact, it may even be a loss, since it would only give skeptics more reason to throw down a “the lady doth protest too much”. It does kinda take the glow off.

On the other hand, if you favour the Bennifer side of things, you could argue that they’re so adamant about correcting this because, as Ben said on Kimmel, he doesn’t give a sh-t if you want to mock him over his tattoos, turn him into a sad meme, but he draws the line at his kids, at accusations of bad parenting, because that is a sensitivity, probably for most parents. So they want it on the record that all of this was bullsh-t, not just to correct media inaccuracies but probably for his kids’ and their experience. They’re old enough to be online now and to have their peers and their parents hear about the drama. That, I would imagine, is one of the considerations too.

但是,现在,唯一的举动是超越它。现在是假期 - 第一个Bennifer 2.0假期,这个周末他们被分开进行假期差事。Jlo和她的姐姐一起购物。本与他的母亲,他的孩子和JLO的孩子分开购物,因此,即使Jlo的孩子们也与Ben共度时光,也有一个新的亲密程度。
