With Jennifer Lawrence, it’s always going to be a candid interview. She is currently promoting堤道,她制作过的第一部电影,也是她的出演,以及与凯尔·布坎南(Kyle Buchanan)为《纽约时报》(New York Times)的新个人资料,她谈到了该项目是如何达到她在专业和个人上经历的事情的结晶。1zplay

就像和她一样上个月《 Vogue封面》故事, in which she spoke with startling honesty about the complicated relationship she has with her family who evidently do not support reproductive rights, which is human rights, and equal rights. She put her relatives on blast, and that includes her parents. So while the purpose of that Vogue interview was professional, Jennifer got really, really personal. In this interview with the NYT, she’s still personal, but the personal details are more of a framework for a conversation about her professional choices. And the candour is, as usual, present and accounted for.

JLaw has been thinking about her professional identity. She has been trying to redefine her professional identity and, at the same time, her relationship to fame. Jennifer Lawrence became famous fast; she was just 19 years old and nominated for an Oscar for her work inWinter’s Bone.在那之后,她被扮演Katniss Everdeen,此时,就像所有大型电影明星一样,她无法再控制自己在公众眼中的看法。



她说:“我出生时以詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)的名字出生,但是当我21岁时就从我那里拿走了,我从未回来。”“所以感觉我没有放弃任何事情。这个名字已经属于他们。”

如果被要求可视化詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence),她现在会想象谁?她暂时考虑了这个问题。

她说:“我想詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)是卡特尼斯·埃弗丁(Katniss Everdeen)。”“这很奇怪吗?”



“I found out that a lot of filmmakers that I really loved and admired had scripts that weren’t even reaching me,” she said.

最终,劳伦斯意识到,太多的人参与做出应该是她的决定,并在2018年8月为她包装了“ X战警”电影“”的重新拍摄。Dark Phoenix,”她离开了代表她十年的机构CAA。



“劳伦斯已经停止听她的肠子,并开始从防守性蹲伏中挑选项目。她说:“一切都像反弹效果。”“我在做出反应,而不仅仅是行动。”她跟着达伦·阿罗诺夫斯基(Darren Aronofsky)的超痛苦的“乘客”“母亲!,”then made the sexy spy thriller “红麻雀” to prove she’d graduated from her young-adult roots. And though they produced diminishing returns, she kept starring in “X-Men” movies because hey, when you’re a movie star, aren’t you supposed to be making superhero sequels? Seemed like part of the deal.”

珍妮弗·劳伦斯certainly wouldn’t be the first actor to go down this road and eventually jump off. But she is one of the few who can discuss it so honestly, to admit that she succumbed to the “Hollywood way”, the “fame way”. But then again, few can resist that lure, right? Fame is a powerful drug.

为了摆脱中毒,珍妮fer stepped away. And now she feels more in control of her celebrity and her career. Part of that, of course, is getting older and gaining more perspective. But that perspective was shaped from taking time away, from intentionally leaving the spotlight, refusing to be seduced by the siren song of celebrity, the compulsion for more. That’s a choice she made for herself. And she’s better for it.

她做出的另一个选择显然是在脱离伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯坏血,亚当·麦凯(Adam McKay)期待已久的传记片。


阅读詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)在NYT的完整采访这里

附件 - 在过去的几天里,詹妮弗(Jennifer)和1zplay她的孩子一起在纽约。