詹妮弗·加纳有一个big new profile inThe Hollywood Reporter, the most deeply reported piece on her since the post-divorce虚荣博览会classic,詹妮弗·加纳(Jennifer Garner)!

詹妮弗·加纳(Jennifer Garner)是我多次错了的名人。我将她的认真和热情视为公关策略,这显然不是因为没有人能假装这么长时间。社交媒体也是她的公众角色的真正转折点,因为它使她远离了小报(甚至是人物,像人类一样),并进入了一个更随意的空间,她可以以自己的方式娱乐我们,而没有限制Junket或必须宣传电影。

In this interview with Lacey Rose, Jen speaks candidly about fame, Ben Affleck, and raising children in Los Angeles. They get into the early days of dating and examine the outsized attention on them, particularly because of what Ben had come out of with the original Bennifer. He and JLo were a cultural lightening rod and the interest in him has never waned. She is quite clear-eyed about his public appeal, "人们对他敬畏。他做了不可思议的事情,他已经六岁了,他是……他,他们以一种崇敬对待他”就是这样。他是电影明星,时期。

Her take on fame now that the children are a bit older is complicated; she worries about stories they could hear in the press (particularly as Ben has had bumps in his recovery and messy stuff, like Chrissy O.) as well a bit of mourning for the things they lost when they were younger, like family photos (she said the kids are terrified of cameras). She describes their younger years like this,“我们在一条街上生活的街道上充满了演员,比我在内的比我更成功,更出名和装饰,他们都会一个人走,没问题,然后我去进行学校跑步,这是15辆车和我一起去。没有它们,我再也没有一天了,如果我这样做,如果我躲在泳池人的卡车底部到达公园,那就去公园保姆会在那里看到我,打电话给一个电话,他们会蜂拥而至。”

That was her experience, no doubt. In 2013, the celebrity ecosystem was very different than it is now because tabloids still ruled, paparazzi dominated the scene and social media wasn’t a factor. It was also during that time that celebrities often worked with the paps and things were maybe not so black-and-white. The audience (us) was becoming savvier to the machinations behind the photos. It’s a specific time in gossip history. This isn’t to say Jen was in the car calling paps (she would never have needed to) but it does raise questions about the x factor of celebrity. Ben’s best friend and long-time collaborator Matt Damon is as famous as Ben is. How many kids does Matt Damon have? What are their names? Where do they live? I can’t tell you. Most of the photos I see with Matt are when he’s with Ben. Is this his path by design, a conscious choice by Matt to not be that kind of famous, or did the stars just align differently for Ben who, I agree with Jennifer wholeheartedly, is inherently charming? And how much did Ben contribute to the fame, the headlines, the tabloids and the trickledown effect on his family? That’s a much sticker conversation to have.

But Jen is more than Ben! This interview is about her career, which she is rededicating herself to. And her friends show up to cheer her on: JJ Abrams talks about her breakout role on别名(提到斯科特·弗利Juno. Rom-com legend Judy Greer shows up to remind us how wonderful her friend is.

But beyond this, there’s a deeper conversation about her struggling (my word, not hers) with taking on work with young children at home.Making a movie takes an intense time commitment. When shooting, you aren’t just working long hours, you are largely unavailable to your family. Combine that with a running a house where both parents are working and it’s a lot of plate-spinning and a lot of pressure.

After having her third child, she said her then-agent approached her aboutDallas Buyers Club. "He said, 'This is going to be a call about one of two things: It's going to be a call about you doing this little movie, or it's going to be a call about you retiring,' " she says. "And I knew I'd asked enough of my representatives, who'd been working their tails off for me and I had said no to everything and kept getting pregnant. But I was truly overwhelmed by a third kid. Ben was making Argo and I was just trying to keep the plates spinning. I also knew that I didn't want to be done acting, so I said, 'OK, I'll do it.'"

This is not a knock-down, drag-out conflict or even the kind of “tea” that makes headlines, but it’s a frank assessment of where she was at and how she kept a bit of herself alive while managing a full home life.


詹妮弗(Jennifer)有财务特权,可以使这些选择在自己的时间后退后一步,重新进入劳动力,但即使如此,一个女人大声说出来也有价值。詹妮弗指出,在2018年的名人仪式上与孩子们一起摆姿势。"I don't have two Oscars on my mantle, I've raised them," she says, "and I think every little kid has a dream that their mom will have a moment where people applaud her so that they can say, 'That's right, I knew it,' and my kids got to have that and for that I'm grateful."It’s no secret that Ben has two Oscars on the mantle. To me this doesn’t read as regret, but an acknowledgement of their family life. What she did at home enabled Ben to accelerate his career, to direct, and be a superhero.

如果她想要一个关于家人的蓬松的封面故事,她可能会去找人们,如果她想要一个有光泽的宣传作品,她本可以去Instyle。这次采访不是为了吸引公众关注,这不仅仅是关于她的家人或以前的婚姻,而是关于她的未来。这就是为什么她选择在一本贸易杂志上宣布这一消息的原因:詹妮弗·加纳(Jennifer Garner)重新开展业务。