
他们无法确认分手,因为这样可以确认他们约会,这是他们竭尽全力避免谈论的事情。即使据报道,他们自2013年以来一直在彼此打交道,但他们的首次“公开”出现在2017年9月(公共存在a beach in Malibu),随后坐在克莱夫·戴维斯(Clive Davis)的格莱美党派对上今年一月。除此之外,他们设法将其降低了,从海岸到海岸,多年

这就是为什么这个婚礼谣言使他们处于有趣的困境的原因 - 如果他们直接确认或否认分手,他们还确认八卦至少部分是正确的。lol赛事中心他们的两位代表都否认了八卦警察的雷达在线婚礼故事(凯蒂(Katie)的首选媒体lol赛事中心going back to at least 2016)。The only other outlet that is as celebrity-friendly as Gossip Cop is PEOPLE, which is why it’s curious that this most recent story, Jamie Foxx ‘Doesn’t Seem Worried by Katie Holmes Relationship Rumours on Guys’ Weekend: Source, ended up getting dissected by Gossip Cop.

首先,让我们打破有关人的故事,这是关于杰米和他的男孩一起在迈阿密,而不是出汗与可能的关系凯蒂。He’s the same cool guy he’s always been, nothing to see here. They also make a point about Jamie’s single status, reporting:


所以杰米没有调情,但是如果他愿意,就有很多选择。但是,由于可能与凯蒂·福尔摩(Katie Holmes)有任何关系的原因,他选择不这样做。无论哪种方式,杰米都不担心,好吗?


为什么八卦警察涌入并报告lol赛事中心了人们的报告,并为他们绑架凯蒂·福尔摩斯(Katie Holmes)而努力男孩周末?他们称所有故事围绕他去迈阿密旅行和凯蒂(Katie)前往巴黎参加时装周的所有故事为“毫无意义”。lol赛事中心八卦警察还断言,他们是Foxx的代表在婚礼上获得独家拒绝的人,并得到了福尔摩斯团队对非婚礼的确认。

lol赛事中心八卦警察想推一点:这种关系是随意的。从本质上讲,这是人们多年来所说的wasn’t a traditional relationship)。这两个媒体都对此表示同意,所以为什么八卦警察标签人们的最新报道以及第六页,当时人们显然有涉及杰米的迈阿密周lol赛事中心末的行动呢?可能是八卦警察正在标记其领土,并通lol赛事中心过挖掘人来成为杰米和凯蒂的所有事物的独家来源。

尽管如此,由于某种原因,杰米(Jamie)和凯蒂(Katie)不喜欢婚姻谣言 - 2016年,她发布了一个链接八卦警察lol赛事中心story on her Instagram account (a rare acknowledgement of tabloid gossip) and Jamie will walk out of interviewif you mention her name

这就是为什么很奇怪,他们都决定那t a nothing story on Radar Online – a story that even a casual gossip follower would dismiss – was enough to garner a rebuttal from both of their reps. As often happens with celebrities, when they try to shut down a story, they stoke it. By pushing the “casual and private” narrative, they’ve put a premium on their photos and their response to stories.


那么,为什么在这个特定时间的这个特殊的婚礼谣言值得他们的代表进行双重打击呢?There have been pregnancy reports, rumours about their relationship with one another’s children, headlines about her being left at the altar (what did her dress look like?), reports that Katie wrote a tell-all about Tom and Jamie (huh?) and more rumours about Katie dumping Jamie for Joshua Jackson (Okkkkkkkkk).

What’s the threshold for what they ignore and what they deny? Do their reps agree on terms before reaching out to outlets? Because they may be causal, but they are still cooperatively strategic and they definitely do not want anyone to think they are getting married. Do you think they ever talk about the couch jumping? Because that’s kind of what the public aspect to their relationship is playing out as – the opposite of that kind of, um, unbridled enthusiasm.