James Corden was called out earlier this week by restauranteur Keith McNally for twice being rude andabusive to staff at Balthazar recently. It just so happened that Corden had an interview set up with the New York Times yesterday to promote his new series,Mammals. Coincidently during the interview, at a restaurant, another patron complained about her eggs (which is also what Corden apparently did at Balthazar). When James and the NYT reporter saw what was happening,James said:


So if you were wondering how James would publicly handle his controversy, I think we have our answer. He is doing what so many celebrities before him have done: blame call-out culture, and suggest that he’s being bullied.

对于最重要的樱桃而言,他正在使用“世界上更重要的事情”的防御。从我可以拼凑的东西,纽约时报记者是thanking him for still showing upfor the interview. Because this can and does happen – celebrities back out of engagements when they’re in some heat.

“On Thursday morning, after a long interview in which Corden variously said that the debate about him was not worth acknowledging and that he was likely to address it in Monday's broadcast of “The Late Late Show”, he defiantly declared that he did not want credit for going ahead with what could have been – and often was – an awkward conversation.

“I haven't done anything wrong on any level,” he said. “So why would I ever cancel this. I was there. I get it. I feel so Zen about the whole thing because I think it's so silly I just think it's beneath all of us. It's beneath you. It’s certainly beneath your publication.”

那个庇护,对吗?这是经典的名人挠度 - 通过判断他们的判断者来判断他们。那是您如何花时间的方式吗?那是您在关心许多其他事情时所关心的吗?基本上是为《纽约时报》(Dave Itzkoff)戴夫·伊兹科夫(Dave Itzkoff),如何做他1zplay的工作,并告诉《纽约时报》中应该和不应该在《纽约时报》中告诉《纽约时报》,大声笑。据基思·麦克纳利(Keith McNally)称,这就是他据称在巴尔萨扎(Balthazar)谴责一名工作人员的方式。"You can't do your job! You can't do your job! Maybe I should go into the kitchen and cook the omelette myself!"

詹姆斯的回应毫不奇怪,我猜是来自自我。可以理解的是,他很尴尬。当您的错误暴露时,这很尴尬,我明白了。这是人类的反应。从尴尬转变为愤怒也是人类。詹姆斯开始对鸡蛋的愤怒,感到尴尬,现在又回到了愤怒和愤慨。他的“它在我们所有人之下”的评论的潜台词基本上是“你怎么敢”。在打电话给Balthazar的工作人员和Keith McNally骗子。

And the thing about Keith McNally is that, well, he’s kind of a famewhore in his own right, as evidenced by all of his Instagramming this week about James. Not the kind of person you want to be messing with if you want a story to go away. Like clockwork, Keith has updated his Instagram with his reaction to James’s NYT interview:

所以,不,这个故事不会消失。詹姆斯刚刚给基思一个借口,将更多的火呼入其中。基思(Keith)充分利用了这种情况,让我们所有人都知道詹姆斯还没有向他据称是滥用的两台服务器道歉。除了本周关于他的刺的所有轶事之上,所有这些都在Try Guys Universe.

Strategically, probably not the best way to handle the situation?! And I’m not sure “silly” is the way to describe a situation in which you’ve been accused of dunking your privilege on hospitality workers. Definitely not when your whole brand is all about how nice you are. James sounds haughty in this interview – and that, too, is off-brand.

What’s frustrating is that there was a simple and easy way to do this and he and his team chose not to. And they’re supposed to be media professionals. All he needed to say was something along the lines of, “I regret that I behaved badly and I’ve spoken to the people involved and beyond that, I don’t think it’s appropriate to discuss it publicly”. Nothing to criticise there. Or, if he wanted to stick to his position and not admit fault, he could have abbreviated even that and said, “I’ve spoken to the people involved, and said what needed to be said, and beyond that I don’t think it’s appropriate to discuss it publicly”, which would pretty much line up with what Keith initially confirmed when he posted on Instagram that James called him and “apologised profusely”.

Then again… maybe he was saving it for the cameras. And maybe on camera, he’ll address it with humour and grace, thanks to his writers who’ll have to do the work of making him sound gracious and non-combative, and at the end we’ll all be invited in for a group hug. Because as he told the NYT, he might have to talk about it on Monday. So I guess we’ll still be here on Monday, at which point it’ll be a week since the story broke, just as it was starting to go away.