Shonda Rhimeswas the most recent guest on the9到5ish用跳过podcast。她让听众了解了她所面临的一些斗争实习医生格蕾在地面上,就像高管们的一致怀疑一样,该节目会吸引观众。

"I remember getting called into a room full of old men to tell me that the show was a problem,"Rhimes在谈话中说。“因为没有人会看一个关于一个女人在工作前一天晚上和一个男人一起睡觉的节目,他们死了。”

幸运的是,Shonda与她有创意的伴侣Betsy Beers,她恳切地让男人知道这个故事实际上是基于她的现实生活,并且可能是许多其他女性的现实生活他们第二天早上开始新工作。

“ Shonda看起来好像她想扔掉,这是对此的适当回应,但我忍不住了,我说,'哦,那是我。我做到了。那绝对是我,'”啤酒解释了。“我记得我是在说,我只是脱口而出,因为这是真的。”

Shonda described the executives fleeing the room after Betsy’s confession, like they couldn’t leave fast enough,“他们不知道该怎么办。他们就像,'这些是我们不喜欢的那种女人。'”

So I guess the lesson here is that good TV happens when it’s written by the women that those executives don’t like? The more uncomfortable they are, the faster they leave the room, the better TV it’s going to be. Mostly because it’s real, it’s honest, and it challenges the status quo. There’s also something to be said about how problematic and restrictive it can be to try to create art, TV, anything for that matter, under a very limited perception of what is realistic and not realistic for women or any one group of people, none of whom are monoliths.

实习医生格蕾has remained the top show in the critical 18-49 age demographic. The 2021 season averaged more than 15 million viewers each episode across TV and digital. And on other platforms, like Netflix, it is the second-most popular and second-most streamed only afterThe Office.


根据观众, 很多。艾伦·庞培(Ellen Pompeo)的角色梅雷迪思·格雷(Meredith Gray)博士被认为是一个全面的主角。该节目为多样化的演员提供了积分,以及它的肥皂剧/rom-com氛围的平衡程度。所有这些都使该节目能够创建一个系列,尽管许多节目经历了持续的第一场比赛,但观众可以依靠一个季节。

So why the doubt, then?


思想狭窄的人是做出所有决定的人。而且我想,有一个年轻的黑人女性创造者,将这个关于西雅图恩典医院人民的想法,由一个拥有她的性行为的角色领导,似乎并不像是赛季中期Boston Legal最初应该是的代替。

疑问是其他黑人妇女,例如Issa Rae,Quinta Brunson和Lena Waithe在整个职业生涯中都必须应对,尽管天生就知道自己的项目可能会经历巨大的成功。

当她创建网络系列时,伊萨·雷(Issa RaeAwkward Black Girlin 2011 to shake up Hollywood norms. Doing so gave her full creative reign, and the power to move forward with including the word “Black” in the title, despite advice not to.

“有人告诉我我应该称该系列'尴尬的女孩',否则人们会专注于我黑人的事实。”she said in a 2021 interview with时尚“我想为一个笨拙的黑人女孩创造空间。”

它得到了回报。在2012年,她获得了最佳网络系列短奖。我们看到她继续成功不安全,based off of the web series.她经过五个赛季的条件结束了比赛,这让她感到恐惧,这些粉丝们在节目的讲故事和展示日常,人类和黑人体验中的故事中席卷了这一点。

与众不同不安全,昆塔·布伦森(Quinta Brunson)的节目主要在黑人观众中流行雅培小学群众感到非常高兴,以至于她在9月的喜剧系列中赢得了艾美奖的杰出写作 - 她是第二位继承莉娜·怀特(Lena Waithe)的黑人妇女。

所有这些女性的人才是不可估量的。But I’m still stuck on the fact that the initial doubts for many of the projects they embarked on came from a lack of belief that the everyday experiences chronicled in these shows and series may not be accessible or relatable to an audience. And it brings up the question of哪个观众写作正在完成。

当每个人都有一个在桌子上坐下的机会时,就会发生惊人的事情。实习医生格蕾不仅是一个非常成功的电视节目,而且还具有力量和影响力并设法将现实生活实例编织到电视上。情节涵盖了从家庭暴力到崩溃的医疗保健系统,再到黑人妇女的健康风险到性侵犯的一切。我们在第15季的功能强大沉默不再installment – which was inspired by Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony about then Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Though Shonda is now doing deals exclusively with Netflix, Krista Vernoff has taken over her role as showrunner, and pays homage to Shonda constantly. In 2019, she appeared on a panel at the Getty Center and spoke about on-screen representation. And the sentiment she shared speaks to the work women writers must continue to do, even in the face of doubtful executives.
