
我们现在已经在十天之内,直到奥斯卡颁奖典礼。本周早些时候,该学院证实了第二轮演示者,包括安吉拉·巴塞特(Angela Bassett),查德威克·鲍斯曼(Chadwick Boseman),劳拉·德​​恩(Laura Dern),塞缪尔·杰克逊(Samuel L Jackson),杰森·莫莫亚(Jason Momoa),哈维尔·巴德姆(Javier Bardem)等。当艾米莉亚·克拉克(Emilia Clarke)开始后,丹妮莉丝·塔加里安(Daenerys Targaryen)也将在那里得到时代。看到今年如何与她一起展开会很有趣权力的游戏在夏天之前结束,在秋天的最后一个奖项季节中,就在11月的《新电影》的首映式中。上一个圣诞节, directed by Paul Feig, featuring the songs of George Michael, co-starring Henry Golding. It’s expected to be the romantic comedy of the holiday season.如果比尔街可以说话’S Kiki Layne和多伦多自己的Stephan James也将展示。

所以这应该是一个激动人心的时刻,对吗?奥斯卡前的聚会将很快开始,整个城镇都会庆祝并庆祝自己,每个人都应该想知道最佳图片类别中哪部电影将占上风,以及奥斯卡是否会带来重大震惊 - 因为这将会be the year for it – only instead people are still confused and upset about the broadcast, and what will and won’t be broadcast, following the Academy’s announcement last week that four categories will be presented during commercial break and then edited to be put back into the show. All this after people were already pissed about not having all the nominated songs featured in the show, a decision the Academy最终倒转

现在是一群电影制片人,其中包括克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Nolan),阿方索·库伦(Alfonso Cuaron),马丁·斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese),亚历杭德罗(Alejandro)G inarritu,Guillermo del Toro,Spike Lee,Robert De Niro,George Clooney,Brad Pitt等签名敦促学院只保留所有事物,而不是以这种格式来进行F-CK。该节目在九天内发生!会成为争夺吗?

这是该学院正在与之合作的现实:他们承诺将演出保持三个小时。该网络希望他们将演出保持三个小时。为了使演出保持三个小时,人们必须简短的讲话 - 最好是有趣,但很短。为了公平对学院公平,每年他们都要求提名人简短,每年,他们中的许多人都在那里开始感谢他们的代理商,经理和律师,因为这些人显然需要在电视上听到他们的名字。and the winners can’t risk pissing them off and jeopardising future jobs. Some of those same people are the ones demanding that the Oscars include all the awards and the songs during the broadcast. Well you can’t have it both ways. You can’t insist that the Oscars overlook certain categories and nominees, even though it makes for a longer show, and then be BORED AND BORING during the show. They too have an obligation to participate in a better show – nominees and presenters and winners. Because if they’re interested in preserving the integrity of the award show that means most to them, they have to make an investment too.


如果我们希望所有表演者表演,以及代表所有24个类别的表演,以及那24个获奖者在舞台上享受自己的时刻,并受到演讲者的娱乐 - 像这样,这是我过去十年中的最爱之一。



正如我和杜阿纳(Duana)所说的那样展示你的工作, some of us don’t want the Oscars to be shorter! Some of us have been waiting all year for the Oscars! This is four hours of watching narcissists glorify and backstab each other at the same time – what is the f-cking problem?!?


如果这个节目很好,如果主持人quippyand fun, if everyone, as Duana always says, lets us see that they’re having a good time, which always allows for welcome spontaneity, I don’t give a sh-t how long it is. One of these days, someone like Logan Paul is going to be passing out awards on YouTube on a skateboard that you have to watch through a hole in your sunglasses. That time is coming fast. Until then, give me a four hour Oscars, five hours works too. And Duana and I will be over here, holding ourselves up against the wall while you yell at us and insist the show should be three short hours.

Have a great weekend!

Yours in gossip,
