有一个吗?可能不是。可能我建议存在不存在的东西。我的观点是亨利·卡韦尔的头发被众所周知,这博客比我想到的更多,我曾经想过它 - 他脸上的头发,脸上的假装头发,头发在他的头上。

亨利,你会记得,留下一个小胡子不可能完成的任务 -过去夏天出来的那个。I can’t remember the name and I don’t want to use any more data on my phone to look it up because I know you know what I’m talking about and just because I can’t remember the name doesn’t mean it wasn’t good because it was, it was good and fun, it just didn’t have a memorable name. Anyway, Henry Cavill had a moustache in that movie and Sarah’s theory is that it was to hide his attractiveness because of Tom Cruise’s ego. Anyway, that moustache apparently caused a fight between studios as Henry wasn’t allowed to shave it for正义联盟这就是为什么超人的脸在电影中看起来很奇怪。

就在上个月,莎拉再次写了亨利的头发,当他向我们展示了他的性格预览在即将到来巫师系列。And now I’m writing about Henry’s hair because he was at the GQ Men of the Year Awards the other day with his hair a little longer than we’ve seen in a while, all parted to the side with his little boy curls styled with gel, like he’s growing it out like Madonna’s hair in "Express Yourself".



