Gwen Stefani dipped into the fashion nostalgia for Julie Andrews’s AFI tribute– see what I did there? I think we can all see the nod to her first wedding dress because, well, it was one for the ages. As for the 2022 version… I like it a lot, mostly because of the casual white tank (probably a bodysuit) on top. Gwen Stefani in a white tank will always do it for me, even if it’s not ribbed. (Go Fug Yourself)

One of the byproducts of being onEuphoriafor Eric Dane is exactly what you would expect it to be, that is if you know the show. He’s getting a lot of dick pics. The owners of those dicks want to believe that Eric is parched for dick.So he told Andy Cohen that he doesn’t venture into his DMs because there’s a lot of dick there. That’s also the reason I don’t go into my DMs very often because even though I’m not Eric and will never be on Euphoria, randoms send me dick pics all the time and I’ve always been curious – why do people lead with dick? Because for me, I don’t give a sh-t what your dick looks like, if I’m not into the face, I don’t want to see the dick. (Dlisted)

The booed Andrew Lloyd Webber and he deserved it and Kayleigh Donaldson is right –boo him at all times, f-cking coward. (Pajiba)

安德鲁王子想要拼命的Jubilee weekend and that didn’t happen because he apparently had COVID.Now that the weekend is over, he’s plotting his return… still. And he’s supposedly being helped by courtiers at the palace who are constantly doing temperature checks to see when and if the public is ready to see him again. As if they actually think there’s anybody out there who misses him? (Cele|bitchy)

Josh Brolin was supposed to do his Variety Actors on Actors interview with Jeremy Renner but Hawkeye …bailed. Didn’t show.So Josh talked to Josh. But it’s definitely weird that no explanation was given about Jeremy’s absence. (Vulture)