A Star is Born周末没有获得令人垂涎的Tiff Grolsch人民选择奖like Laineyso many predicted it could。Instead, the Oscar bellwether — which has previously been awarded to Best Picture winners like为奴十二年,Slumdog Millionaire,国王的演讲,或者major contenders likeLa La Land,Room, and三个广告牌Outside Ebbing, Missouri- 去了Green Book

Green Bookis a total crowd-pleaser. It debuted later in the festival, and had its world premiere on Tuesday night, the sixth night of TIFF. But audiences loved the dynamic between Dr. Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali, a renowned jazz and classical music pianist) and Tony “Lip” Vallelonga (Viggo Mortensen, in prime “wise guy” form), his unlikely driver/unofficial road manager as they navigated their way through the Deep South during the musician’s latest tour in the early JFK era, before the end of segregation. Named after the travel guide used by black Americans during Jim Crow, the film has been described as a sort of reverseDriving Miss Daisyfilm with a隐藏的人物或者The Help- 就像它如何兼顾种族关系和社会期望方面一样的吸引力。它是由托尼·利普(Tony Lip)的儿子尼克(Nick)撰写的,是根据唐(Don)和托尼(Tony)真正的终身友谊而撰写的,该友谊是由于他们在这次特殊的公路旅行中共同形成的。Viggo和Mahershala在2016-2017颁奖季巡回赛上相识,分别宣传Fantastain和Moonlight,以及this was their first time working together。To get into character, they reportedly listened to audio recordings of Tony and Don recounting their times on the road and分享其他记忆

But it’s not your typical飞机、火车和汽车好友喜剧,虽然彼得·法雷利(Peter Farrelly)(是的,那个),Dumb and Dumber,There’s Something About MaryShallow Halfame, directs and contributed to the screenplay.Octavia Spenceris an executive producer too. At the premiere, she said she was a “快乐,微笑的小妈妈”。

根据奥斯卡观察家在线的各种帐户like Scott Feinberg,戴夫·卡格(Dave Karger), andAnne Thompson,绿书在首映后引起了人们的狂热鼓掌。他们都对这部电影大赞。当我在星期五早上的新闻放映中抓到它时,它拥有我听到的所有节日的最大响亮的电影,整部电影中都大笑,欢呼和喘着粗气,更不用说掌声了。这很有趣,有很多内心,并且在展示唐是如何被黑白社区排斥和拥抱的出色工作方面做得非常出色。我离开放映后,我看到了莱尼的帖子1zplayA Star is Born及其人民的选择潜力,并通过电子邮件向Lainey发送了有关1zplayGreen Bookhype. Only three films at TIFF had additional public screenings added to the festival schedule:A Star is Born,巴里·詹金斯(Barry Jenkins)如果比尔街可以说话(the eventual People’s Choice runner-up) andGreen Book,作为反应to the hype and audience demand。显然,就人们的选择投票而言,额外的表演有助于将这部电影推向优势。

But being anointed a possible frontrunner this early on, especially when a film has not yet been widely seen (its North American release is scheduled for November 21), can come with its own set of challenges. Heat and buzz are great, but having different lenses or voices focus in on the same film can lead to a different appreciation of its worth, for better or for worse. As The Globe and Mail’s Barry Hertzwrote on Twitter aboutGreen Book,“An entire essay could be written on the audience reaction. Ali and Mortensen ace it, but this needs serious analysis from voices other than mine". Whether the initial excitement or enthusiasm forGreen Bookwill be tempered by reaction from a different community (notably, the black community) remains to be seen.三个广告牌is a great example of a film that was interrogated for its portrayals of race, police brutality and sexual assault after early praise. So the questions remain aboutGreen Book: Is the film too soft on race relations, or the impact of segregation? Or is it too sympathetic to Tony? For the most part, those exercising caution about the film online appear tohave yet to see the movie, like AwardsDaily’s Sasha Stone:

但是她提出了一个很好的观点。到目前为止,Aramide A. Tinubu赞扬了这部电影her review for Shadow and Act。她称之为“不仅是关于种族和友谊的迷人和令人震惊的令人振奋的壮举,而且还涉及许多黑人所做的激烈工作,并且仍然只是在一个继续否认其合法性的世界中存在。”一个人并不为所有人说话。重要的是要注意的是,越来越多的不仅仅是故事的多样性,谁能讲述故事,而且还涉及故事的多样性。

Green Book在整个赛季的剩余时间里,将是一部有趣的电影,尤其是因为它将成为重大打击。而且,如果它确实一直到最佳影片或最佳导演,这将标志着今年第二次可能的Razzie冠军 - 奥斯卡奖得主组合,彼得·法雷利(Peter Farrelly)(Movie 43)和布拉德利·库珀(Bradley Cooper)(All About Steve). It’s going to be quite the race to watch.

At the premiere on Tuesday, ViggodescribedGreen Book作为一个“story about seemingly very different people that end up learning to understand each other whether they wanted to or not. How great for any time! But especially the times we’re in". Toronto audiences have agreed with him – they loved it and so did I. But what will we be saying in February? “Me, Myself & Oscar…” Or something more?