王子和恋童癖者。不,不是那个。另一个。您的意思是有一个以上的王子和一个恋童癖吗?您的意思是,我们现在必须在谈论英国王子及其与恋童癖者的联系时必须具体?这就是白金汉宫今天正在处理的事情,因为Netflix发布了一部新纪录片吉米·萨维尔(Jimmy Savile):英国恐怖故事。

吉米·萨维尔(Jimmy Savile)是英国的文化偶像,就像整个国家所钟爱的一样。他于2011年去世,经过多次调查,他死后被证实,他对数百人进行了性侵犯,其中许多是孩子。这些指控是在他还活着的时候提出的,并且由于我们知道这个故事而被掩盖和或被解雇 - 掠食者受到其他强大的个人和机构的支持和保护。包括皇家机构在内,因为在他的一生中,使吉米·萨维尔(Jimmy Savile)无懈可击的原因是他与英国最高社会的人的联系……包括英格兰未来国王查尔斯王子。

纪录片中揭示了什么以及当今英国各地的头条新闻是查尔斯王子“一再寻求吉米·萨维尔(Jimmy Savile)的建议”和他们交换的信件也已经揭示。It’s made clear that Prince Charles did not know about Jimmy Savile’s horrific behaviour but the point the documentary seems to be making is that one of the reasons Savile went unchecked for so long is because he had relationships with wealthy, influential, and prominent people, not unlike Jeffrey Epstein.


当罗伯特·乔布森(Robert Jobson)谈论女王的前新闻秘书迪基·阿伯特(Dickie Arbiter)时,我特别提到该线程中的第二条推文,以及他对吉米·萨维尔(Jimmy Savile)的恶心。因此,我的意思是,这并不是说Sh-T是一个秘密。但这就是我们在捕食和力量的横截面上一次又一次地看到的。令人不安的行为被忽视,容忍,以牺牲社会最脆弱的为代价。这只会加强受害者的沮丧。Jimmy Savile’s crimes dated back decades, but we obviously haven’t come that far because in these times, with the Jeffrey Epstein example, and how Prince Andrew has been repeatedly excused for his association with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, with how Epstein’s accusers have been undermined and attacked, with how the royal institution downplayed the allegations in service of one of their own, all of that comes from the same set of circumstances that ensured that Jimmy Savile was never held to account while he was alive.

For the British royals, though, today, during this Platinum Jubilee year, it’s yet another sh-tty headline after months of relentlessly sh-tty headlines, even as they keep trying to pivot and go back to their tea party and pearls positivity and general shove-it-under-the-rug attitude. It used to work for them, and they relied on the public back in the day, willing to play along, helping them maintain the polish on their pile of sh-t. Is that still the case? Can they ever restore their glow?