


“我宁愿看到的是黑人女孩在T.V上爱上自己的黑人女孩 - 你就是!你永远是自爱婚姻的新娘!”



像我们大多数人一样,Lizzo决心过着自己的最佳生活,包括在这并不容易的情况下应对挑战。她还提醒我们,名望并没有否定维持平衡和幸福所需的自我保健,自爱和自我意识。Seeing someone as beautiful and talented be so open during the rise of her career, in an industry that in the past has prioritized perfection, with old school gatekeepers that are afraid of showing any humanity, is definitely refreshing but it’s also a major departure from not too long ago and the “packaging” involved with promoting artists. More and more, young entertainers are talking about mental health and their emotional wellbeing. Imagine what a difference would this have made to artists who came up before, those who did not have the space to keep growing, and stumbling, while in the public eye. Lizzo’s honesty about it is hopefully helping not only herself but others who are on the way.