杜娜(Duana)和我将录制新剧集展示你的工作周一,我们包装了金球奖的报道。到那时,我们不会睡觉……好了很长时间。我们将被炸掉 - 是的,应该是一个很好的表演。我要努力的故事之一是“艾米丽·布朗特(Emily Blunt)和约翰·克拉辛斯基(John Krasinski):好莱坞的最新力量夫妇”。作为底漆,如果您还没有,请阅读他们的联合采访好莱坞记者。我们将崭露头角,观察他们如何在全球范围内打球,并在一周后寻求评论家的选择奖。

这是昨晚在棕榈泉的艾米丽(Emily)玛丽·波平斯(Mary Poppins)返回在一次肩膀的罗兰·穆雷特(Roland Mouret)中,这是该活动的可靠选择,也是她周日穿着的绝佳预告片。毕竟,她在竞选活动中。拜托,您不需要我再提醒您 - 再次 - 时尚是奥斯卡竞选活动的一部分。艾米丽肯定会为此。在过去的几周里,她获得了最佳女演员奥斯卡提名的最佳女演员提名的势头。玛丽·波平斯回来S在票房上表现正常,评论虽然并不壮观,但每个人都同意她的角色很棒。而且看起来这是一场广泛的最佳女演员比赛。当然,有一个领先者 - Lady Gaga - 但没有人接近锁。Also, when it comes down to it, I’m not sure anyone is convinced that the Academy will give Gaga an Oscar for her first lead film role over the likes of Glenn Close and Olivia Colman and Emily herself, who is about as well-connected and well-respected as anyone among the contenders.

艾米丽·布朗特(Emily Blunt)有比赛。当我们从中学到thrpiece, she’s been playing a long game for a decade and even though that strategy is only now coming to the surface, it doesn’t mean it hasn’t been there all along, she’s just showing it to us now…at exactly the right time? I don’t think Emily is going to win at the Globes on Sunday (my predictions are Gaga – because the Hollywood Foreign Press won’t be able to resist handing it to Gaga – and Olivia Colman) but the Globes don’t matter for her when she has two SAG nominations carrying her towards the Oscars, an indication of how popular she is among actors, the Academy’s largest member branch. If she can secure that nomination on January 22 when the Academy makes the announcements, I’m telling you, do not count her out. Watch her onstage with the kids last night in Palm Springs. How are those voters going to be able to resist this? Start at the 1 hour 21 minute mark这里