
First names: we are struggling to find name options that we love/fit in with our names. My name is Kate (Katherine, but please no) and my husband’s name is quite unusual, though easy to say/read, we both like rarely used names but I also want something that doesn’t feel like a stranger to “Kate”. On our minimoon we had a Hungarian waiter called Csongor (pronounced like Chungor) and my husband has fallen in love with it because “it’s strong” and he loves his own unusual first name.

我也很喜欢Csongor,但是对于我来说,一个名字太远了,所以我们目前认为这将是/中间名。我倾向于喜欢凯尔特人的名字(Finnick,Malcolm,Angus,Eamon,Hamish),他喜欢Finnick,但不多是其余的(尽管我认为部分原因是它们对他来说是超级外国的声音(鉴于他与Csongor的恋情有些讽刺))。我们都喜欢Thaddeus,但感觉并不正确。他喜欢我喜欢的兰多(Lando)这个名字,这并不那么对《星球大战》的联系感到困扰(尽管假设男婴会像他的对手那样长大时讨厌星球大战),但这也有点像我的舒适区用作名字。他还认为Lando的姓氏比Finnick Lastname更好。

I am American, but grew up in Hong Kong, and he is first generation American with Polish/Israeli/Romanian roots. What I (think I) like about Finnick is that the long form is unusual but he has the option to wear the more common “Finn” if the long version isn’t right, and that it seems kind of in the middle of our first names uniqueness-wise. We don’t tend to gravitate to names that end in the trendy “n” sound, although I do love Eamon. In case helpful, when we were convinced he was a girl, we both liked Georgia, Margot or Geneva (with potential nickname Gigi, after my grandmother’s nickname). Dying to hear your thoughts/suggestions!

We are planning to portmanteau our last names to create a new one for our kid(s) - Short and Gregorovich, portmanteau’d to Shorovich. Neither of us are planning to change our last names, and I think, given the sounds, the new name will be clearly connected to us. But we made the mistake of mentioning this to our families, and our parents especially are not fans of this idea. They have suggested hyphenating our last names but neither of us like either hyphenated combination, so that’s basically off the table. I’m not especially bothered by what other people think about this approach as our parents suggestions have not affected us on this point, but I guess could use some reassurance that having a “different” albeit connected last name to their parents won’t cause them irreparable psychological harm (or if it will, I could alternatively use some suggestions of how to deal with this!).

你们,括号游戏很强 - 第3段中的支架内的支架窥视括号!

I was highly entertained by your letter (Csongor!), and I’ll get to your first name thoughts, but first, an amusing little story about the wild world of surnames these days…

像数百万其他学校一样,我的孩子在计划前后都有一个整合。小学和(不起眼的布拉格)我们非常参与父母,因此我们非常了解员工和其他家庭。这意味着一切都是所有人的名字基础。I have no idea what half the kids’ surnames are, and am occasionally shocked when I get an email from ‘Jeremy Kennebacher’, or some other name I’ve never heard of – and have to dig deep to discover he’s emailing to set up a playdate with his twins Tristan and Isolde. (All names fake, obviously, but man, what if they weren’t?)

One day when talking to a parent I’ve known a couple of years, laughing about our single days and etc, I’d just finished some story about my wedding when her brow furrowed, and she asked – if I was married 7 years ago then when had I met my son’s dad? I looked confused, and she stammered… or was it a family name or… had she made a faux pas? This poor woman! She started to apologize profusely: Since she knew my surname, and my husband’s, and our kid’s last name was totally different… “I’m so sorry, I just assumed Mayhew was his birth dad’s name!”

And that’s how I learned my kid’s name had been printed on a class list with a完全不同的姓氏– that belongs to nobody in our family, nor, as far as I can tell, anyone in the class’s family – and posted on the door of the aftercare program for the better part of a year.


我讲这个故事有两个原因。一个,姓氏与孩子无关 - 如果有人用那个以前的姓氏叫我的孩子,我从未听说过 - 其次,无论错误来自何处,它都不会影响我们的生活。没有错过的生日邀请,成绩单或公共汽车接送……没有人对他的父母是谁感到困惑,尽管从理论上讲,我们之间有三种不同的姓氏。

So I don’t see any logistical problems with your portmanteau, or any reason beyond familial pride why your parents should object. I’m reading a story to my kid right now that involves families being referred to as a common last name (you know, “The Snyders”, “The Halls”) and I had to explain the concept because… that’s just not the norm in many, many places anymore – not counting the places (like Quebec) where it was never done in the first place.

By all means, portmanteau your names, especially if they go together as easily as yours seem to and I think it has the potential to become a really charming custom, or possibly the start of a terrifying movement where we refer to families, however they’re connected, by their kids’ names. “Oh, that’s the Arabella family” or “Hey I saw the Connor and Tamsins on the streetcar today!”

但是认真地,和平相处 - 这比您想像的更普遍,无论是通过混合家庭,连字符还是Portmanteaus和学校,课外计划等。需要更新的表格,哎呀)。

Where the first name is concerned, I have to say I quite like your choices – both Finnick and Lando have the same qualities in that they’re a little unusual yet intuitive to read and say. I wonder whether your reticence is due to the issue you point out – that they’re more on the unusual-first-name front that seems connected to your partner, which makes your name seem a bit like the odd one out, right?

我很喜欢哈米什,但它可能有点年代ticky to say with Csongor, and I can see how Malcolm and, to a certain extent, Eamon, might not feel like they had that X factor.

沿着同一连续性的名字包括邓肯(n-enden-be damed)或Callum,这为您提供了内置的简短表格。或者,如果您倾向于类似于Lando的东西,那么总会有Lachlan,这在人们的喜好名单上非常高或很低,没有中间。我认为您可能还会从Seamus那里获得很多里程 - 这是起源不寻常但在北美早期采用的名字之一,因此现在看起来似乎很迷人,而且颇具挑战。最后,如果您对Finnick进行辩论,但喜欢Thaddeus,那么总会有Phineas可以让您留在中间 - 如果对Julia Roberts来说足够好,我们该说不?
