
我在六月有第二个孩子。这是一个女孩,我们已经有了玫瑰,第二次出生时将是两个。罗斯很容易命名,我们选择了梅·林恩(Mae Lynn)作为她的中间名,其中一个是一个姓氏,我们只是认为是免费的。我们在第二个女孩的命名中挣扎着很大的时光。跑步,雷纳或萝拉有两个名字。我们都认为这是对罗斯的体面称赞。但是我对这两个名字都有一些担忧。

我们喜欢玫瑰和雷纳(Raina)的配对(雨是根名),因为两者都是泥土,户外的名字。但是我不喜欢两者都以r开头 - 由于某个著名的K命名家庭,我对孩子的名字感到半巧妙。但是我唯一听到Raina使用的唯一一次是
纳什维尔, the TV show. Lola we both really like, and I think that name has been gaining popularity. The only other time I've heard it used is in the song Lola by The Kinks.





但是我不得不说,在这种特殊情况下,我要在您的两种选择之间平均分配,并且因为您将某人与已经命名的Rose配对。Also, you didn’t specify this, but with the musical references here, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I also needed to keep an eye on what would happen if your two daughters started a band some day, like Lennon & Maisy, or Tegan & Sara. (What would have happened if they were, like, Tegan and Mauritzia?)

So, my first instinct was that you should go with Raina, for a couple of reasons. It’s a gorgeous name that doesn’t get a lot of play, outside of纳什维尔;很容易说和阅读,我知道您知道,您所引用的K命名家庭远非第一个用一封信给他们的孩子命名的两个都杰森·贝特曼(Jason Bateman)和杰森·普里斯特利(Jason Priestley)命名为贾斯汀(Justine)的姐妹),他们必须在至少两个案件中拼写拼写才能达到这个目标。

另一方面,你不这样做——玫瑰nd Raina are both as authentic as they come, and Raina has the added advantage of being the kind of name, and sound, that is used and understood in a lot of languages and cultures, so it will travel well with her all her life, no matter where she is. I don’t really see a downside, beyond your alliterative worries. You could, of course, go with something like Shana or Sheena or Elena, if you like similar sounds but they’re further from the earthiness you like. Plus – and I can’t believe this matters to people, but I’ve heard it enough that I know it’s not made up – if you’re a monogram or nametape family, you don’t have a problem with hand-me-downs.

萝拉在哪里,我想说你有点正确;where Lolas in song are concerned, I think of “CopaCabana” before The Kinks, which I just realized might not be super pleasing to the parents of Lolas, but in terms of popularity, I’d venture that you might have missed the boat – which is a good thing.

至少我们住在东北的地方,我知道两个十几岁的萝拉斯,两个补间和一个8岁。Which is to say I think it was very popular, and I fully expect the next teenage babysitter I come across to be named Lola, but I don’t think it’s topping the charts these days as a lot of people who love the L sounds have gone toward names like Ella or Helen (or offshoots like Caroline or Emmeline) instead. I don’t want to offer a guarantee that you won’t meet another baby Lola – while it’s peaked and gradually falling in the US, it does seem to be rising in Europe – but depending where you are, it might be a safe bet.

(One new stat I just saw that I personally refuse to factor in, but that matters to some people – Nameberry also lists Lola as being the 4th most popular name for… dogs. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!)

The other thing I’d point out, with a slight eye to that sister band I mentioned earlier, is that Rose and Lola kind of rhyme – I can see how there could be a ‘Roro and Lolo’ kind of affectionate silliness from family members or friends but only you can decide whether that would be adorable and endearing or absolutely infuriating.

沿着这些相同的台词想到的其他名字?第一个想到的,充满活力,但具有某种性质,是派珀 - 不是每个人,而是肯定与玫瑰风格同步;虽然我假设您不想太近的花名,但我会跳过常春藤,但Ingrid可能是您想去的地方,就像Rose一样以辅音结束。您可能还喜欢藏红花或索兰吉(Solange)之类的东西,或者喜欢抒情诗 - 我知道它有点像,但是来吧,乐队!玫瑰和歌词?我会在一秒钟内独自留下那个线程,但是如果您确实想念Lola的LS,那么您也可以选择可爱且绝望的Allegra。应该与玫瑰旁边变得太鲜花了,但是R和G将其扎根(没有人可以通过给我发电子邮件过有关过敏药的电子邮件,好吗?太好了,谢谢)。

I kiiiiind of think you should go with Raina but I’m also fully ready to be surprised. Please let us know!