We don’t often agree on gossip – and that’s one of the reasons why gossip is so illuminating: our take on any given celebrity story can reveal much more about who we are than the people we’re ostensibly talking about. Once in a while, though, there comes a story that we can all get behind, that we are all excited about. Right now, it’s Bennifer 2021. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez getting back together all these years later is wild. Because most of us remember, we remember that time, we remember the music video and the photos and the engagement and the ring and the drama. So it’s part nostalgia, for sure, and part disbelief? Like an idea that we imagined here and there and would throw around casually (“what would happen if Ben and JLo hooked up again, OMGGG?!) actually came true. Life doesn’t give us do-overs very often. When it does, we need to appreciate.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe not EVERYONE is feeling the way we do. I’m talking about Diddy. Because… I’m sure you saw… his Instagram. When he posted this yesterday it nearly ended me:


Is Diddy feeling left out?

Or is he trolling?

Is he putting Ben on notice?!

It’s been three weeks or so since news first broke that Bennifer was a thing again. And since then there have been entertainment headlines about the two almost every day – which Diddy clearly has not been able to avoid. Because he’s trying to jump into the conversation with a #tbt and it brings up an interesting question…

Does the culture have the same nostalgia over JLo and Diddy than it does/did with Bennifer?

Is this the case that Diddy’s trying to make?

Is he out here all like, hey, to those of you who are “remember when-ing” Bennifer, you should be “remember when-ing” me and JLo because we were just as iconic.

And if so, is it working?

It worked – in that EVERYBODY noticed. And everybody’s talking.

Whatever your answer to this is, whatever Diddy’s motivation is, to go back to Bennifer 2021, it’s another example of why this is such a gossip celebration. Bennifer is the story that just keeps giving, in the most unexpected ways. Even among celebrities themselves! It’s not just us!

So again, I will continue to implore you – let’s be grateful for them, let us not take this for granted. Gossip gifts like this are rare.