当然,希望是有一天,我们没有to mention the how remarkable it is – for a woman to win Best Director at the Oscars. And that she’s a woman of colour. But that day has yet to come. So it’s history: Chloe Zhao is only the second woman to win Best Director and the first woman of colour. A woman of colour has directed a film that won the Best Picture Oscar. And for two years in a row, an East Asian filmmaker has won both Best Director and Best Picture. Chloe Zhao and游牧民族succeed Bong Joon-ho andParasite。To see Bong Joon-ho (joined by a familiar face – the incomparable Sharon Choi making her return to award season!) present to Chloe was a sight indeed, and there’s another reason we can add to the list of billions, to be mad at COVID, because it would have been that much sweeter had it been in person.


I wonder how many layers there are to Chloe’s speech about goodness, inspired by classic Chinese poetry. Many Chinese consider the lines she quotes to be the heart and soul of Confucius teaching – they are lines familiar to Chinese people everywhere because like Chloe they are taught to us as children. Because the rhythm of the three characters makes it easy to memorise:People at birth, are naturally good.那就是英语翻译。正如您所说的那样,中文中的每个单词都是一个音节,所以它甚至更强力 - 单击,点击,点击/点击,点击,点击。

克洛伊(Chloe)解释说,这些线条在艰难时期安慰她,在这些时代,她可能就是这种情况。显然,成为奥斯卡领先者并连续几个月庆祝并不是真正的斗争。但是话又说回来,他们的国家避开了多少位奥斯卡最佳董事领先者?您可能听说过,在她的金球奖胜利之后,中国有很多兴奋……直到十年前的一本关于她的第一部电影的采访中出现了一篇古老的杂志报价,Songs My Brothers Taught Me,一个关于土著少年的故事。这是一次广泛的对话,涉及许多主题和灵感。但是现在已经重新连接并引起争议的报价是:“这可以追溯到我在中国的十几岁的时候,到处都是谎言的地方。”


但是她选择专注于善良和善良。她选择回到根据中国哲学家的教义阅读中国诗时与中国父亲一起学到的中文课。尽管拒绝了,但Chloe Zhao仍在建模她的文化中最好的。因此,我希望她昨晚或今天早上上床睡觉,知道政府的反应不是人民的回应。有很多中国人,包括这个中国人,他们将她视为我们能做到的最好的例子。

而且,我们不必等待更长时间的克洛伊(Chloe)最优质的工作。因为她正在用大片追逐奥斯卡。记住,克洛伊是漫威的导演永恒,原定于11月5日开放。看看会发生什么,这将非常非常有趣永恒和China. Disney is hoping for that box office. But it’s a big question mark whether or not China will allow the movie to screen and whether or not they’ll still be mad at Chloe in six months. Blocking游牧民族发行是一回事 - 这是一部小电影,无论如何在中国可能没有吸引广泛的观众。永恒is a different story. Chinese audiences LOVED Avengers.Infinity War结束游戏仅在中国就为迪士尼支付了十亿美元。如果中国观众被隔绝,他们将如何反应永恒