Drop everything. Because, right now, there’s nothing else you need to care about.

VOGUE just posted 6 new short videos on its Instagram account, all featuring our Queen of Feelings,Celine Dion, from the couture shoot she did with them a couple of weeks ago in Paris. It’s a smart move on their part. First because their recent Celine posts have generated some good attention – a lot better than the attention they received when they put Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik on the cover and called it “gender fluid”. And also because it’s always better to see Celine in motion. Like, I’m never going to complain about a still photograph of Celine since, clearly, the woman knows how to make a shot count. But Celine’s trademark extra on video is something else entirely:

Grinding! In Chanel! And, amazingly, she doesn’t suck at it!

Even the simple act of eating a french fry is taken to a whole other level when it’s Celine who’s doing it:

Here’s Celine telling Sofia Coppola that she should have been the one cast inMarie Antoinette:

There are three more that you can seeherebut ground yourself before you hit play. Because her drama might actually lift you off the ground.

No, but seriously, does all of this Celine mean that she won’t be on the cover of the September issue? Because who f-cking else (other than Beyoncé) should be on the cover of the goddamn September issue? Reese Witherspoon? She has a movie coming out in September and it’s Emmy month whereBig Little Lieswill be a major contender. I don’t need another Reese VOGUE though. Do you?

PS. More Celine coming up in the next post.