拿俄米大阪路易威登——我obsessed! I will be honest, sometimes with LV and celebrity partnership, it gets a little boring (Michelle Williams comes to mind) because there are only so many red carpet looks in a season. These looks make me think of a photocall in Cannes.

One thing on my must-watch list is the Tiger Woods documentary. Are we going to have a Rachel Uchitel-issance? For those who didn’t live through it or didn’t pay attention at the time, Rachel became the First Mistress of Sports, the first on Tiger’s long list of infidelities.

Future wiped his Instagram: new music orin his feelings about Lori Harvey?

Now why would anyone go looking for trouble with Michael Myers? Leave that tall mofo alone.

One thing I’ve really enjoyed watching over the last few days is videos and TikToks mocking rioters and domestic terrorists. A grown man screaming and crying like a toddler over the consequence of his actions? That’s amore!

And here’s a compilation, set to a classic piece of music, from a classic movie. The original, if you’re unfamiliar,is here.