在这一点上,Cardi B和Nicki Minaj牛肉将持续50美分和JA Rule的牛肉。从现在开始的二十年,这将是50岁,挂在珍贵的生活中,并以唯一目的购买体育场座位成为一个不成熟的鸡巴?尼基,对吗?不过,比较停止了,因为50美分是他与JA Rule在'00s的战斗的认证获胜者,而Nicki现在没有赢得SH-T。尼基(Nicki)成功的是使卡迪(Cardi)看起来不错,使自己看起来痴迷和嫉妒,我鄙视用来描述女性的两个词。这是我积极地远离与女性交往的两个词,因为通常不公平地应用该协会。Nicki Minaj别无选择。


妮琪·米娜STAYS messy昨晚证明了她的混乱无限。卡迪b昨晚也像地狱一样凌乱。不要扭曲。这两个人应得的。这两个是彼此制作的。但是Cardi是反应性的。让我依靠整个情况的不成熟,并确定这个操场点:妮琪·米娜开始。

I’m not going to rehash the whole Cardi and Nicki beef. If you need a refresher on “MotorSport,” the song and Nicki verse that truly started it all,click here。如果您想重温2018年9月的时装周刺鞋事件I got you。当Nicki和Cardi在全球范围内都流行时(Cardi趋向于Nicki LoL),我们的Twitter提要点亮了,就像在战斗之夜一样,每个人都选择双方并给每回合热。它比按次付费要好得多。昨晚的史诗来回的催化剂是尼克的节拍1Queen Radioshow on Apple Music.

Nicki used her show to go off about Fashion Week because of something Cardi’s sister said – it’s unclear. No one was talking about whatever Cardi B’s sister said. Now, everyone is talking about what Nicki said onQueen Radio。这是她的第十集。她本来应该和泰格(Tyga)首映她的新歌“ dip”(我猜泰格(Tyga)宽恕了尼克(Nickavave Nicki)他有头发塞)。那应该是今天的故事。我们应该谈论新的尼克诗。时期。取而代之的是,尼基再次重新举行了时装周活动,并讲述了一个关于尼基的朋友拉赫·阿里的故事爱与嘻哈与Cardi。据说拉赫·阿里(Rah Ali)是在时装周争吵后打结的人。和?没有人在谈论这个。这就是尼基说的:

“ Rah真的,真的击败了Cardi的屁股。Rah击败了您,以至于我对Rah生气。您回家告诉人们安全击中了您,我们出于法律原因让骑行吧……任何想拉起监视镜头的人,我会给您100,000美元。”

尼基还再次提到“赛车运动”,并声称Cardi告诉21 Savage不要与Nicki合作。为什么有人要与21野蛮人一起努力?还是小混合?我们在做什么?关于泄漏的数字也有一些详尽的说法 - 卡迪认为尼基泄露了她的泄漏,以便她的粉丝可以骚扰她,然后她无意间泄露了尼克。一团糟。整个尼基Queen Radioepisode, Nicki repeatedly says that she doesn’t want to be talking about Cardi. She says over and over that she doesn’t want to be doing this, that she’d rather embrace positivity.

“I’m perfectly fine with never talking about this again.”

The first step to never talking about “this” again is to STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. Someone needs to sit Nicki down and say, “Sis, you are playing nobody but yourself. STOP TALKING.”

Before I get to Cardi’s responses, let’s note that a lot of Nicki and Cardi’s feud has to do with work. Aside from the Fashion Week ordeal (which was wrong, violence is never the answer, etc), Cardi and Nicki are fighting over missed collabs and rumours of interfering with each other’s careers. SPIN has a good breakdown of the work dramahere。They’re trading jabs about who turned down ‘that deal’ or ‘this verse’ so that the other one could have it. It’s work sh-t. It’s the gritty, industry stuff that goes along with being two of the only female rappers in mainstream hip-hop. So many record execs and fashion brands, sitting in their boardrooms, probably say something like the following: “Let’s get Cardi B for that. If we can’t get Cardi, get Nicki.” And vice versa. It’s the nature of being rivals. Whether Cardi B and Nicki like it they are in this together and as long as they are both on top, they will never be, to borrow from another Queen of Petty, “excluded from [each other’s] narrative.”

The thing is, I actually believe that Cardi B would like to be excluded. But Cardi B is not the person who is going to take the high road and stay silent when someone calls her out. It goes back to the authenticity I’m always praising Cardi for. She is who she says she is. If you say she’s lying about what went down in a fight and you’re accusing her of trying to sabotage your career, she’s going to take 10 selfie videos dragging your ass and post them on Instagram. She’s going to bring the RECEIPTS. No shame. I f-cking love her. I want this feud to die for the sake of women supporting women and, you know, feminism, but I am also so happy we were given the gift that is Cardi B clapping back at Nicki.

“First you say you’ve got the footages, but then you say you wanna pay somebody $100,000 if they give you the footage? Yo, make sense when you’re talking!”

Cardi’s use of “footages” is going to go down as one of my favourite Cardi B moments of all time. I screamed in delight watching every single one of her videos. Please do yourself a favour if you haven’t already and go watch them all. She does not disappoint. The Chun-Li Jab? I died. POINT, CARDI. She also challenges Nicki to a physical fight and while I don’t condone violence, Cardi is not wrong that Nicki puts up a real tough exterior on her records and then hides behind her security in real life. Which one is the real Nicki? My favourite Cardi IG video is the last:

“What you need to do is stop focusing on other people. Focus on yourself. Focus on your craft. Because you’re out here f-cking up your legacy looking like a f-cking hater.”


哦,现在尼克斯想谈论诗句吗?现在,她想谈论音乐吗?当她与雷米·马(Remy Ma)争执时she bragged aboutmaking hits. Now, she’s trying to establish herself as the better MC and you know what? I think she IS the better lyricist if she went bar for bar against Cardi but no one is talking about that because Nicki can’t get out of her own damn way. This tweet by writer and actress Rae Sanni puts it succinctly.

当Nicki不会停止50美分的小琐事时,很难不在Cardi B后面集会。对于Cardi来说,即使她感到沮丧,也很难扎根。当尼基结束夜晚,她的嘴巴两边都在谈论时,很难不参加Cardi团队。

Cardi B用消息重新发布了该推文,“好吧!让我们保持积极的态度,并继续推动!”I mean, that’s a nice way to end the night but it makes Nicki look like she’s trying to be the bigger person when she’s the one who went low in the first place. You can’t call for positivity when you are the one who brought the negativity. Don’t start the fire if you’re going to complain about having to put it out. Don’t ignite the flame, fan it, and then marvel at why it’s burning. Nicki Minaj says she “won’t be discussing this nonsense anymore.” Sure, sis. I wish she would but you know come episode 11 ofQueen Radio,尼基将再次激起那场大火。

这是昨晚Power 105.1的Power House 2018的Cardi。