May issue of British时尚特色是对封面明星Thandiwe Newton的采访 - 整个作品都由曾经是“ W”和正确的发音“ Tan-di-we”所构成。这篇文章中的解释是,它是从她的第一个信誉中“不小心错过的”,这似乎既过分慷慨又过分简化……但是,我非常理解。Thandiwe自己在Twitter上更充分地解释了这是如何第一次出现的:

But the 20 years that follow have proved that the continued use of ‘Thandie’ is more insidious than just that, isn’t it? I was struck by this excerpt from the piece:

“I find that acting takes more and more away from me,” she says with candour, “because I’m more connected to myself than I’ve ever been, whereas before I was delighted to get an excuse to go off to another personality. I couldn’t wait to get away from myself, truly, I had such low self-esteem. Acting was where I felt whole.”

这实际上是《 Vogue》文章的肉 - Thandiwe被推动,操纵,提示不成为她自己的所有方式,也许她最终会屈服的方式,而没有意识到这会花费多少。查看从2020年3月10日开始的此采访剪辑,相关部分从00:27开始。

尼尔·霍兰(Niall Horan)开玩笑地指出,科登(Corden)在宣告他的名字错误,即使那样,只有当thandiwe被要求她指出人们坚持以他们认为合适的方式宣布自己的名字时,科登也是如此。但是在此之前 - 看着她的脸,当科登说不,尼尔·霍兰(Niall Horan)宣布自己的名字错误!是的,我知道他在开玩笑,但是您知道人们会说多少次吗?“你确定吗?因为我听到了这个…透明



换句话说,即使是现在,大声疾呼。请注意,谋求自己的权利,自己的需求和人格,实际上意味着应该重视您的工作和贡献的人会说,不,您实际上与该项目无关。从上周的New YorkerBeth Nguyen的作品,“”美国为我毁了我的名字”,性能指标lly this quote:

我一生,美国都告诉我,我反应过度。仍然是O.K.嘲笑亚洲名字,仍然是O.K.为了取笑亚洲人……(当亚洲人对此表达愤怒时,他们都会被“您太敏感;这只是一个玩笑。”我明白了 - 笑话比我们的存在更重要。”

这joke is more important than our existence. The credit on your previous films is more important than your real name. Our opinions of what your name ‘should’ be are more important than who you actually are. It sounds ridiculous written out that way, and it would be, if I hadn’t seen and experienced it being reinforced every single day.

To that end, I have no time for Twitter caterwauling at Thandiwe about ‘how did it take this long’ or ‘why didn’t you say anything?’ Newton has made it very clear over the past couple of years that she took a lot of abuses of varying types in the industry for a long time, and that she’s ready now to be her truest self – just as the author of the New Yorker piece, Beth Nguyen, is ready to embrace a new name now. This is the beauty and tragedy of how we live. We can’t go back and omit our mistakes, even when those mistakes now feel like an act of disloyalty to our present selves.

As I wrote this piece, a friend relayed in real time the experience of watching her daughter be pushed out of a soccer game by a group of boys who tried to tell her she didn’t belong there. “This is where that bullsh-t starts,” she wrote. “I remember it so well.” Of course she wishes she could go back and push back at the boys who, decades ago, shoved her out of games she wanted to be in, convincing her she didn’t belong there. Of course that now feels like something she can’t believe was allowed. But all she can do now is be the voice she didn’t have, telling her daughter that she’s entitled to take up space wherever she pleases.

Thandiwe Newtonis setting an example for younger people – for her children, who come up often in the interview. But she’s also doing the best she can to be the person she was told, overtly and insidiously, that she wasn’t entitled to be back then, even 30 years after the fact.

考虑到我们一直在携带的东西,我们所有人都值得,因为有人告诉我们我们确实不再需要 - 以及永久放下它的释放。